First of all, it’s a pleasure to receive your suggestions. I’ve always followed your posts in the community, and it’s an honor to have you here helping me with this project.


  • I’ll try to resolve this before the end of the contest.


  • I’ll make this adjustment for the console output. As for the JSON output, I need to think about whether it’s possible.


  • This makes a lot of sense. I’ll implement it in the JSON report and at the end of the console output.


  • The tool already inspects sub-packages, but after reading the documentation, I realize that this wasn’t made clear enough.


  • Great idea! I’ll add it as a future enhancement.

Create an object that extends %String, and override the VALUELIST with a class method that returns a string with comma-separated values.


Class App.X509CredentialAlias Extends %String

Parameter VALUELIST = {..GetValueList()};
ClassMethod GetValueList() As %String
	Set sql = "SELECT LIST(Alias) As ValueList FROM %SYS.X509Credentials"
	Set resultSet = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,sql)

	If (resultSet.%Next())
		Return ","_resultSet.ValueList
	Return ""


Your BPL property must be the type of the created object

Class App.bp.Test Extends Ens.BusinessProcessBPL [ ClassType = persistent, ProcedureBlock ]

Property Example As App.X509CredentialAlias;
Parameter SETTINGS = "Example:App";
 my BPL

Class example

Class Test.XmlContent Extends (%RegisteredObject%XML.Adaptor) 
	Parameter XMLNAME = "Demo";  
	Property FieldInfoString As %String(MAXLEN = "");  
	Property FieldInfoEscape As %String(CONTENT = "ESCAPE", MAXLEN = "");  
	Property FieldInfoMixed As %String(CONTENT = "MIXED", MAXLEN = "");

Execution example

Set t = ##class(Test.XmlContent).%New()
Set t.FieldInfoString = "Written From : 09 , US & Test1" 
Set t.FieldInfoEscape = "Written From : 09 , US & Test1"
Set t.FieldInfoMixed = "Written From : 09 , US & Test1"

Do t.XMLExportToString(.String)


	<FieldInfoString><![CDATA[Written From : 09 , US & Test1]]></FieldInfoString>
	<FieldInfoEscape>Written From : 09 , US &amp; Test1</FieldInfoEscape>
	<FieldInfoMixed>Written From : 09 , US & Test1</FieldInfoMixed>

A business service is responsible for the following activities:

  • Waiting for a specific external event (such as notification from an application, receipt of a TCP message, etc.).
  • Reading, parsing, and validating the data accompanying such an event,
  • Returning, if required, an acknowledgment to the external application indicating that the event was received.
  • Creating an instance of a request message and forwarding it on to the appropriate business process or business operation for processing.


Try this

Set json = "{produto:""CHP0001"",Local:{IDMV: ""000000001"",LOTE: """",DtFabric: ""null"",DtVenc: ""null"",Atributo06: ""0000000002"",Atributo07: """",QtdeDisp: ""10.00000"",QtdeAloc: ""0.00000"",QtdeSep: ""0.00000"",QtdeTotal: ""10.00000"",Status: ""OK"",Motivo: """"}}" 

DO ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(json,"",.pObject,"") 

zw pObject

pObject=18@%ZEN.proxyObject ; <OREF>
+----------------- general information ---------------
| oref value: 18
| class name: %ZEN.proxyObject
| reference count: 2
+----------------- attribute values ------------------
| %changed = 1
| %data("Local") = "16@%ZEN.proxyObject"
| %data("produto") = "CHP0001"
| %index = ""

ODBC driver

Install the Microsoft ODBC driver according to your Linux operating system version by following the tutorial below:

 The driver is usually installed here:



Symbolic Link

The file is usually located in the /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ folder.

If not, use the command to find the location

find / -name

After finding, create symbolic link in the <iris-install-dir>/bin folder using the command below:

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


ODBC Gateway 64-bit

The Microsoft ODBC connection requires a 64-bit Gateway connector, and the current one is not able to make the connection, so you must run the following commands in the <iris-install-dir>/bin folder:


Backup the default Gateway:



Copy Gateway 64bits, and leave it as the main gateway:



Irisodbc.ini Configuration

Change the <iris-install-dir>/mgr/irisodbc.ini file by adding the information below:

 And add the following setting

[ODBC Data Sources]

Libracom = <NAME>


[ <NAME> ]

Driver = /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql /lib64/

Database = <DATABASE>

Server = <HOST>

Port = <PORT>

UID = < USER >

PWD = < PASS >

locale = en_US @ collation = binary



SQL Gateway Connections

For Gateway connections the configuration created in the List must be displayed.

After configuration, click test connection to verify that it worked.

The message should appear: Connection Succeeded



In your Service Rest, insert one hang like this:

Method OnProcessInput(pInput As %CharacterStream, Output pOutput As %Stream.Object) As %Status
//20 seconds
    hang 20 break
    Set tSC = $System.Status.OK() 

In your Production you need have a port of your service like this:

Use Postman to send a request like this: http://server:port

In your Studio, Attach  your process after you send a request from Postman, and wait the process be attached.