Question Jason Koan · May 2, 2018 Creating a Pop-Up box with with "Yes" and "No" buttons using CSP. Hello all,I'm attempting to create a pop-up box with "Yes" and "No" for the buttons. I currently have a JavaScript confirm box but it has "OK" and "Cancel" as the response buttons. I have read that JQuery is a way to do, but is there a possibility of doing this with CSP instead of JQuery?Thanks #Caché #JavaScript #CSP 0 2 0 1.7K
Question Jason Koan · Apr 2, 2018 Using ASP.Net Core 2.0 with Cache Object Script. Hello all, Is using ASP.Net Core 2.0 with Cache Object Script possible? I have it successfully working with .Net 4.5 using the supplied .Net 4.5 Dll file by Intersystems. Is there an updated Dll file for .Net Core 2.0? Thanks #ObjectScript #Caché 0 1 0 599