go to post Bharath Nunepalli · Sep 16, 2020 I use Status^JOURNAL in a shell script like this, to check the journaling status and generate an alert. #!/bin/kshccontrol list | grep -i running > $DB_STATUS_DET4if [[ -s $DB_STATUS_DET4 ]] then csession cache "Status^JOURNAL" > $DB_JRN_DET cat $DB_JRN_DET | grep -i enabled > $DB_JRN_DET1 if [[ -s $DB_JRN_DET1 ]] then RC=0 else RC=1 fielse exitfiif (( $RC > 0 )) then echo "Artiva alert: JOURNALING is disabled at $(date +%x_%r)" >> $DB_JRN_MSG exit $RC else exit $RCfi I want run a shell script for updating database max size, but not seeing any command shortcuts like Status^JOURNAL for getting database details.
go to post Bharath Nunepalli · Apr 7, 2020 Thanks all for your responses. I'm able to come up with a shell script. ccontrol list | grep -i running > $DB_STATUS_DET1 if [[ -s $DB_STATUS_DET1 ]] then csession cache s x=##Class(Security.Users).Create("BOBJ","%ALL","P@ssw0rd!","Bob Jones","","","",0,1,"",1,0,"","","","")else exitfi
go to post Bharath Nunepalli · Apr 3, 2020 I have developed some shell scripts for Caché database maintenance, and they run on AIX. These scripts just run simple commands like "Status^JOURNAL". I haven't coded scripts for calling classes or methods. So, just want know whether that's possible in shell scripting or not. If not, which scripting/programming language should I use for calling classes or methods?
go to post Bharath Nunepalli · Aug 21, 2019 David,Thanks for the response.Main reason for coding the scripts in Shell was that we want them to run even when Caché instance is down.When you say in Caché itself, do you mean like a task in Task Manager?Also, how did you schedule the vbscript scripts?