go to post Fabian Haupt · Sep 23, 2018 Did you put in the private apache's port? Is the port reachable (windows firewall on your server?) Note that you need to make sure to have only password authentication on the /atelier/api webapp enabled.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Aug 22, 2018 Consider contacting the WRC (https://www.intersystems.com/support-learning/support/), we'll be able to have a look at your machine and help sorting out any issues you might have.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Aug 22, 2018 I didn't even know the first version was valid syntax. But based on your testing, I only would have produced slower code anyways :)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Aug 22, 2018 This kind of error is known to come up when using very outdated browsers with current versions of ZEN. But that's just a guess, really you'll have to use the brower's debug tools to figure out which object it doesn't get and why (the one it tries to set the title on)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Aug 10, 2018 3.4. Be sure that there's a checkbox at 'Password authentication'
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jul 12, 2018 and subsequently you can export compiled classes and only import deployed code on another system. So you never get source code on a customer's system.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jun 27, 2018 You might also use http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=... to get more details. Sometimes applications don't actually log anything to ^ERRORS (despite the error message saying so). You'd have to check the code of the csp page you tried to open.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jun 1, 2018 the pwd should be set at runtime of the container (we have the parameters for that). No matter if prod or non-prod. If you have any pwd fixed in the image, it introduces an unnecessary risk.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jun 1, 2018 After loading your classes you should re-scramble the password, so you don't accidentally distribute an image with a defined/known instance password.
go to post Fabian Haupt · May 31, 2018 Hi, why are you doing the separate step of checking out your sources outside of eclipse/Atelier? You can do that directly in there, which would simplify your workflow to something like this: Checkout repository in EGit into an Atelier project Create ticket123 branch Make your modifications Submit your modifications into the branch Merge branch into master as necessary Best, Fab
go to post Fabian Haupt · May 30, 2018 adding an answer so this doesn't show up in 'unanswered questions' anymore
go to post Fabian Haupt · May 21, 2018 Hi Sivan, there are already a couple of articles and tutorials on the community on how to get you started with Angular(js). You'll use a REST api to simply access your data and interact with the Caché instance. Check Chris' series out: https://community.intersystems.com/post/lets-write-angular-1x-app-cach%C... Cheers, Fab
go to post Fabian Haupt · May 9, 2018 For this kind of specific issue, you'll get the best immediate help by contacting the WRC directly: https://www.intersystems.com/support-learning/support/
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 27, 2018 "We want our code to be as accessible and readable as possible to as many people as possible. " Do we? ;) "We always prefer whitespace formatting and curly brackets to arcane one line syntax." -- I don't ;) Using arcane one liners shows that you are a superiour wizard. One should always use the short forms of commands to make code more terse and save space. If people want to read the code, they can use 'expand code' in studio (which expands the shortform commands to the full version). Note, there might be some sarcasm in here. People who know me, might also know that I'm only maybe 80% joking;)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 17, 2018 Note that you can actually create regexes to contain / just fine: https://community.intersystems.com/post/advanced-url-mapping-rest
go to post Fabian Haupt · Mar 28, 2018 There really isn't a general answer as to what the 'best way' (tm) is. There are way too many dependencies on that. It really depends on your workflow and requirements of your backend. Zabbix is very well capable of ingesting SNMP data, just as well as ODBC (https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/config/items/itemtypes/snmp). Usually the answer to 'the best way' comes down to: what are you most familiar with? To use ODBC you'd need to implement some glue code on the Caché side, same if you were to go with a REST interface. Since you mentioned you have custom indicators, you'll have to write some code in any case. So, again, it comes down to your preferences and preexisting experiences. Evgeny already pointed out one of the local SNMP articles to get you started on this. Cheers, Fab
go to post Fabian Haupt · Mar 26, 2018 Have a look at http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls you'll find coverage on each of those.