go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 27, 2019 had the same problem for 22 :/ I'm not aware of any big-num library for Iris. Probably because it's not really language used for numerical stuff. day 18 takes quite long: https://github.com/kazamatzuri/AoC/blob/master/aoc-cos-container/src/cls... Especially part1, part2 finishes quicker since it's 4 much smaller mazes. I'm still trying to improve it a bit (you have to adjust your memory settings to even work at all, otherwise you're getting errors all over the place)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 26, 2019 this one is actually the more helpful one: https://github.com/kazamatzuri/AoC/blob/master/aoc-cos-container/src/cls...
go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 24, 2019 I also used a grid to store where the wires go, avoids the whole maxstring problem:https://github.com/kazamatzuri/AoC/blob/dd5eb40ca5b828f35953c196668dfe68...
go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 3, 2019 seems you're right. considering that i'm running with a 256gb assigned to docker anyways, I didn't expect that... oh well. tx for the hint :)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 1, 2019 probably a mac problem ... I wonder how much those are being tested ;) I'm running this version: ``` docker --versionDocker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea```
go to post Fabian Haupt · Dec 1, 2019 Interesting, that also blows up. different error though: docker container run -it -p 51773:51773 -p 52773:52773 -p 5001:5001 -p 5000:5000 --name rcc2 --rm store/intersystems/iris-community:2019.3.0.309.0 [WARNING] No init process detected! This container may accumulate zombie processes if run for a long time. Consider using "docker create --init ..." or equivalent. [INFO] Starting InterSystems IRIS instance IRIS... [INFO] Starting Control Process Automatically configuring buffers Allocated 956MB shared memory: 744MB global buffers, 35MB routine buffers WIJ directory locked - System not started Starting IRIS Startup aborted. Startup error. See messages.log for more information. Call InterSystems Technical Support if you need assistance. [ERROR] sh: echo: I/O error sh: echo: I/O error [ERROR] Command "iris start IRIS quietly" exited with status 256 12/01/19-19:24:12:522 (367) 0 [Generic.Event] Automatically configuring buffers [ERROR] Possible causes: [ERROR] - InterSystems IRIS was not installed successfully [ERROR] - Invalid InterSystems IRIS instance name [ERROR] - Insufficient privilege to start InterSystems IRIS (proc not in InterSystems IRIS group?) [FATAL] Error starting InterSystems IRIS
go to post Fabian Haupt · Sep 27, 2019 keep in mind, pruning the images doesn't actually make the docker image (Docker.raw) shrink again. To achieve that you'll have to 'reset docker' (which will recreate that image)
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jul 12, 2019 Looks like a nice wrapper around https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page... ?
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jul 1, 2019 I would suggest it makes much more sense to do logging to globals that are mapped into a DB that isn't being journaled in the first place. That way you don't have to add additional complexity of suspending a transaction (which is a great source for bugs...) Thanks, Fab
go to post Fabian Haupt · Jun 5, 2019 The datamodel in COS is such that you have multi-modal access to your data in different ways. Having the ability to access your data via objects (class definitions), SQL (tables), and raw globals is what makes it so powerful. Ultimately the data is always stored in globals. The mapping for the other modes of access are done via class definitions. Class definitions are also transparently mapped to SQL tables. So any time you create a class, a corresponding table is being created and vice-versa. The SQL-concept of "views" is separate from all of this and sits on top. @Robert already pointed out the documentation for storage mapping which actually allows you to customize the relationship between the global structure and a class(/table). This is usually not recommended unless you have legacy data you need to access. The default storage strategy does a very good job to store data effectively. Note: Just creating a class will not create the global structure just yet, it will only be created once you start putting data in. Note2: Indices are just additional globals that get added to your class storage. Note3: If you are having trouble with your indices, it might be a good start to open a WRC issue. They have very good people to help you sort through any issues quickly.
go to post Fabian Haupt · May 12, 2019 Hi, please make sure to never pass unchecked client supplied parameters to a query, that is a huge security risk. For general documentation on how to use filters with tablepane, have a look at : https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY... If you have an instance with the SAMPLES namespace, have a look at ZENTest.TableTest.cls for an example on how to do filtering. Best, Fabian
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 26, 2019 There are quite a few different possible causes for this. A 500 error generally indicates a problem of IIS getting any data from the backend. This could be a permissions issue, or a network issue (among others). Without more information it's hard to tell. If you want to debug yourself, you should start by looking at the CSP Gateway logs (CSP.log), possibly increase the gateway log level (in the gateway management page). This will tell you where to go next. Of you need a quicker solution it would probably help to contact the WRC (https://www.intersystems.com/support-learning/support/), they debug this kind of thing all the time and will be able to sort you out quickly.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 26, 2019 If you're hitting the 511 encoded character limit for a global reference, generally that means you should revisit your data design. What are you trying to do that you hit that limit?
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 23, 2019 Note: the system startup will rename the password.txt file to password.txt.done once it has applied it. So if you start a new container without reseting the filename, you won't get the password set to what you want, but it will fall back to the default password and asking for you to change it when you log in.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Apr 23, 2019 What's the OS and docker version you are running this on? There are known issues with running docker on windows, as well as known problems with older versions of docker on redhat/centos.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Feb 19, 2019 Yes, you can. See https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY... for details on what you need to setup.
go to post Fabian Haupt · Feb 13, 2019 Hi Thomas, sorry for the long wait here, I just noticed this. From what I am reading about the OData specification, it is just a standard further clarifying on how to further structure your REST api beyond the general REST guidelines. (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=odata) As such your starting point to implement this would be the Creating REST Services. While it has been discussed a couple of times, I'm not aware of anyone having done this already. Best, Fab