Ahhh yes! I was heading in a different direction by using an xml schema. The service class I used: EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService does not have a field for element name but this service class does "EnsLib.XML.Object.Service.FileService".  I am going to create the class and work on this Jeff. Thanks for your patience and expertise

Hi Jeff! thanks for the reply.  Thus far I have actually tried the XML file service idea. My implementation (attempt) has a left to right path of

  • XML file placed in ARCO by a foreign process
  • Service reads the file (class: EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService) using my XML schemaname and sends the xml to a
  • Business process (class: EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine) I think my issue is one of these settings->that uses a rule of
    • Rule Type: General Business Rule
    • Rule Assist Class: Ens.Rule.GeneralBusinessRuleAssist
    • with a context class of: EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
      • DTL transforms
      • my XML schemaname to
      • HL7 2.6 MFN_16

All of this "seems" to work perfectly. My output HL7 message has no errors and every field maps.

I even have a lookup table in there right now.

the XML schema is VERY simple...

The only issue is that my integration does one read and then stops even though my source file has 4 records.

I will lookup the BPL that you suggest and thank you for that. Hopefully I can figure it out soon!

Thank you for that!