Hi, Li Yan,
Thank you for answering that so well! If anyone has individual questions about our exams or our program, please know that you can always write the certification team at InterSystems here: certification@intersystems.com and we're always happy to help.
Best regards,
Jamie Kantor, Certification Manager, InterSystems
Hello, Yuri and Evgeny!
The best way to prepare for our exams (in my opinion, people have different ways, after all) is:
1. Review the exam design and compare it to what your know your skills are. For InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist, this is all the items in T4-T8 as listed in the table here. So, for example, if you see "Uses relative dot syntax" in T4.3, be prepared to answer a question on that coding technique. If you note any topics that you're not sure of, make sure to review the topic in our documentation or in the online learning path.
2. Review the sample questions. For Core Dev Specialist, they are here. These questions are written in the same style as the exam, so use the answers to see how the topic was addressed. By carefully going over the document, you'll get an idea of how our exam developers wrote the exam and how they expect you to answer.
Finally, if you're not successful the first time, remember our team offers Exam Retake Support and we can help isolate problem areas in your performance and recommend areas for improvement. It's a free service and it can help.
Thanks for your question and we are available for more support at certification@intersystems.com
Friendly regards,
Jamie Kantor, Certification Manager

Very helpful - thank you!