Question Kathy Ward · Oct 28, 2022 Maxstring Error for encoded pdf while using GetFieldStreamRaw <assign value='source.{ORC:FillerOrderNumber}' property='target.{OBR:FillerOrderNumber}' action='set' /><assign value='##class(%IO.FileStream).%New()' property='tempStream' action='set' /><assign value='tempStream.Open(,"NEWR")' property='Status' action='set' /><foreach property='source.{OBXgrp()}' key='g1' ><foreach property='source.{OBXgrp(g1).OBX()}' key='s1' ><if condition='source.{OBXgrp(g1).OBX(s1):ValueType} = "ED"' ><true> #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 1 396
Question Kathy Ward · Aug 9, 2022 Comparisons in DTLs Is there a way to compare the value in a source field against all of the values in a repeating field? For example, we have multiple DG1 target segments populated. Is there an easy way to check a source DG1 segments against all of the target DG1 segments? I didn't know if there is a wild card I can use for the comparison. #DTL #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 306
Question Kathy Ward · Nov 2, 2021 Searching for carriage return in an HL7 field A vendor is sending an HL7 message where they are hitting the enter key within the field. I am looking for a way to concatenate the lines. I want to know if there id a way to search the field for a carriage return and piece together the field. This is an example of what they are sending: NTE|1||Fake Interpretation A Overall Summary. Patient presents with abnormal SR and RHR. Fake Interpretation B 80/120 Fake Interpretation C - HR 55 BPM| #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 264
Question Kathy Ward · Aug 12, 2020 Class Method to update IP Address We have multiple interfaces to Epic. We currently have the IP address set to epicsup. We now want to update all of the interfaces with this IP addresses to epictst. Is there a method to do this? #Ensemble 0 6 0 210