go to post Martin Staudigel · Dec 3, 2021 Hello Craig, yes, it is. We're using configured credentials and method "Password" is checked. I also tried a different, newly crated user for testing purposes. Moreover, the access has worked before the upgrade to 2021.1 and we have not changed anything in the configuration. What I find confusing is that even when the "unauthenticated" method is checked at the webapp configuration, the login screen appears. Regards, Martin
go to post Martin Staudigel · May 18, 2021 Finally, Arun's suggestion to write the data objects to the database on the many side using %Save() at the time of creation worked. Regarding performance, this did not result in any significant losses.Thanks to all for the helpful comments and remarks.
go to post Martin Staudigel · May 12, 2021 Thanks for your reply, a look into the table of the 'many' data objects confirms that the wrong order is already reflected in the ID of these objects. Since the ID is assigned in ascending order at the time of creation, I don't quite understand why it doesn't reflect the order of the result set. Anyway, with the hints I can continue the search and make adjustments if necessary to resolve the dependency on implicitly assigning an ascending Object ID. Regards,Martin
go to post Martin Staudigel · Apr 14, 2021 Hello Vic, yes, our admin users are provided with %ALL privileges, but it seems like I finally managed to get things working. I don't understand in detail why it works, but I noticed that the configuration of the databases on the other hosts is different. So I tried out adding the role %HS_DB_%DEFAULT to the user in question. With this additional role it seems to work. It would still be interesting to know if there is an unnecessarily large expansion of permissions associated with this role that poses an unintended risk. Thank you for your help! Regards, Martin
go to post Martin Staudigel · Apr 14, 2021 I did, here are the details of the error, which was provoked again after enabling audit log for protect events. By the way - because I didn't mention it earlier - with an admin account the call works. Does this provide details about the source of the error?
go to post Martin Staudigel · Feb 22, 2021 Hello Eduard, thanks for your helpful reply. I assigned the role %DB_CACHESYS to the user, which grants R/W rights to some tables from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema. As the user still isn't allowed to login to neither management portal nor studio my basic demands are fullfilled, so I chose not to start an investigation which of the given tables causes the violation. This setting removes the unwanted entries from the auditlog, so the problem is solved from my point of view. Thanks again, regards, Martin Staudigel
go to post Martin Staudigel · Jan 29, 2020 To conclude this topic I would like to present my solution for a runtime configurable SMB access. First step was to write a helper class in Java, which provides static methods for all needed functionality. This class encapsulates the dependencies to the Java libraries jcifs-ng-2.1.1.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-1.58.jar and slf4j-1.7.24.jar. Some of the implemented Methods are: public static boolean copyFileFromSmbShareToLocal( String smbHost, String smbShare, String smbUser, String smbPass, String smbAuthDomain, String smbFileName, String localDirectory, String localFileName, boolean append, boolean deleteRemote) throws java.io.IOException, InterruptedException { ... } public static boolean resourceExists(String smbHost, String smbShare, String smbUser, String smbPass, String smbAuthDomain, String smbFileName, boolean checkWriteability) throws jcifs.CIFSException { ... } public static String listResources (String smbHost, String smbShare, String smbUser, String smbPass, String smbAuthDomain, String smbFileName, String smbFileFilter) throws jcifs.CIFSException, java.net.MalformedURLException, java.net.UnknownHostException { ... } public static String getAttributes(String smbHost, String smbShare, String smbUser, String smbPass, String smbAuthDomain, String smbFileName) throws jcifs.CIFSException, java.net.MalformedURLException, java.net.UnknownHostException { ... } Next I created a jar file from this class, which could be processed with the Add-In "Java Gateway Wizard" included in Studio and transferred to corresponsing cache wrapper classes. This made it possible to create an operation dependending on a Java gateway, by use of the created classes. By using specially created message types, the configuration of the dynamic parameters could be communicated. The operation can be set to any Windows shares by e.g. reading the configuration from a database table and sending the required information to the operation. It is also possible to read files from different sources and copy them to the destinations without having to determine beforehand on which computers the corresponding shares are set up. If you are interested in further details on how to solve the problem, please send us a PN. Then I will gladly give further information or provide more detailed code components. Regards, Martin Staudigel
go to post Martin Staudigel · Feb 12, 2019 It's Ensemble 2016.2.1.803.0 on SLES 12 SP3There is the possibility to mount shares into the filesystem, but if this fails, it may go unnoticed because an empty directory remains. I don't know any other way to address a Windows share from an ObjectScript class than via the Java gateway, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Every hint is appreciated.