Question Goran Stefanovic · Jul 6, 2020 How to set my custom class in a business process written manually, not BPL (contextsuperclass) I need to set and use some context variables in a transformation (written in DTL), but the code is manually written. When writing the same as BPL I define context variables and they are visible in transformations called by that process. In something like this my.DTLtransform sets HL7 message fields to values in context variables: #Business Process (BPL) #DTL #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 11 1 774
Question Goran Stefanovic · Aug 5, 2019 Creating a table in one namespace and inserting into it, but reading and updating it from another namespace We are developing an interface in Ensemble (v.2018) and would like to have common data visible and updatable from more than one namespace (sort of a lookup, but with more fields). I can create a table in one namespace and inserting into it, let's say using SQL from the portal. I can also map that table to another namespace. It becomes visible there as a table, but new records inserted in one cannot be seen from the another namespace. I am reading the documentation, but still no answer. Any help to speed me up? #Ensemble 0 7 1 933
Question Goran Stefanovic · Jan 22, 2019 Cannot reference/see a component for <call> in list of targets Version 2016Created a business process and ticked "Is component".Later trying to use it as component from another business process, and when trying to set up target for a call activity, selecting process components does not show anything in the list.Any idea why? #Business Process (BPL) #Ensemble 0 3 0 248
Question Goran Stefanovic · Dec 12, 2018 GROUP BY causes NativeError: [10053] A very simple SQLSELECT field1 F1, count(field2) CntF2FROM GCT.PA_Datawhere field1 is not nullgroup by field1gives an error back: [SQLCODE: <-461>:<Communication link failure>] [%msg: <Connection 'TRAKCARELIVE': Execute: SQLState: (HY000) NativeError: [10053] Message: [Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 10053] [c:\intersystems\ensemble\bin\cache.exe] Software caused connection abort> ] #Caché #SQL 0 6 0 533