When I try to open a DTL in the tabbed editor I always get this error:

You are using Internet Explorer 7. This version is obsolete and is not compatible with diagram editors. Please update Internet Explorer to a recent version.

My actual Internet Explorer is version 11.

I'm running Eclipse Photon.

Atelier IDE 1.3.141 com.intersystems.atelier.feature.group InterSystems Corporation

The same error occurred with Atelier 1.2 on Eclipse Oxygen. I've never been able to get this to work.

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When I open a BPL, or DTL class in Atelier it attempts to open a graphical editor using Internet explorer.

Even though I have IE 11 installed it is somehow "stuck" in IE 7 emulation mode when invoked from Atelier (Eclipse).

So I get an error message, and cannot use the graphical editor. This has been true in the Marketplace Atelier 1.3 and also Beta.

I'm running Atelier IDE Beta 1.3.141, on Eclipse Javascript 2018-12-R.

Two questions:

Why cannot the editor work with IE7 anyway?

How can I get Atelier to invoke IE with the right options?

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