go to post Rob van Olst · Apr 3, 2023 The opening and closing square brackets, [], already indicates that you are getting back an array of errors, in this case the array has 1 element.
go to post Rob van Olst · Oct 17, 2017 Take a look at class %SYS.Task.All the properties you need to be able to assess whether a task has run and when the next run datetime will be, are there. Some of the property names are not that obvious so you might run a query against that class and then compare what you get with what you see in the Ensemble Task Scheduler.
go to post Rob van Olst · Nov 1, 2016 Here's what I do: s authorization64 = $G(pInput.Attributes("authorization"))// ? validif ($PIECE(authorization64," ",1) '= "Basic"){s Status = ##class(%SYSTEM.Status).Error(5001, "Missing basic http authentication")Throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus(Status)}// basic http authentication looks like this: "Basic amFhcDphYXA="s authorization = $System.Encryption.Base64Decode($PIECE(authorization64," ",2))// decoded it looks like this: "username:password"s username = $PIECE(authorization,":",1)s password = $PIECE(authorization,":",2)