Question Michael (Libert... · May 9, 2016 Intellisense not working correctly in editor. I was writing a routine that called some class methods and when I typed in ##class( and the package, there was a drop down list of all the classes that match that package but when I selected one of the dropdown entries it added the package name again.For example if I enter ##class(dim.I am presented with a list of classes in the dim package but when I selected one of them,(dim.OccupationList), what ended up in the editor was##class(dim.dim.OccupationList #Object Data Model 1 1 0 405
Question Michael (Libert... · May 9, 2016 When I try to debug I get an error ConfigurationCache 2016.2 running on fully patched minimal CentOS 7 install. No Firewall.Atelier running on Centos 7 Desktop. No Firewall.I was able to build and compile classes from Atelier.When I try to run a routine or some class code from Atelier I get an error. It tells me to look at the Network Activities view.When I do that I see the following: 1 7 0 669