Question Robert Steed · May 21, 2024 After creating %ZSTART in %SYS, Studio can't log on I created %ZSTART, having just learned about it. I included some minimal code to test it, as follows:%ZSTARTSYSTEM WRITE "SYSTEM.",! QUITJOB WRITE "JOB.",! QUITLOGIN WRITE "LOGIN.",! QUITCALLIN WRITE "CALLIN.",! QUIT Now Terminal still works as normal, and sure enough I get "LOGIN" displayed, but when I start Studio I get an error message such as the following. I wonder what Caché ODBC has to do with it. #ODBC #Caché 1 3 1 161
Question Robert Steed · Oct 23, 2023 Stop a running SQL query quickly This applies to embedded and dynamic SQL queries in Caché ObjectScript. If I attempt to terminate the process via Management Portal, nothing happens. Neither does Ctrl C nor closing the terminal window in which my program is running, nor setting a stop flag in a global which is read by the program on each loop iteration. The only way to stop the query appears to be restarting the Caché server (which is running locally on my PC). #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 6 0 545
Question Robert Steed · Sep 22, 2022 SQLCODE=-52 : Cursor C10 already declared Hi, My routine contains embedded SQL including this: &sql(DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR The error "SQLCODE=-52 : Cursor C10 already declared" comes up on compilation in Studio. Does anyone know a way around it please? Bob #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 4 0 256