go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 23, 2015 Maybe if need not just import sources from xml, but some more actions. And anyway one more interesting way to deploy your code, is using Installer Manifest. With this manifest, you can just import your code to any namespace, or before it, create namespace, csp-applications, do some configurations for your application. For further information see documentation. In our project we use manifest for build project, and for deploy on a new servers.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 23, 2015 First problem is with Work Queue Manager, that it does not work in CSP processes. In my project CacheBlocksExplorer, I tried to use it for async scan of database blocks. Here you can find my source, where I use it with WebSocket. Another problem is It does not work as well, if you just have only one core. So, you can force set how many jobs use: Set ^||%ISC.WorkQueueMgr("ForceJobs")=2
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 23, 2015 Here on google groups, already did IMAP Ensemble adapter.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 10, 2015 Timur already wrote about it some time before. It is works, but not shows any response, before you update the page.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 9, 2015 Sorry, I forgot to mention it. It works only with versions where added native JSON, so, 2015.3FT and 2016.1FT
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 5, 2015 Well, docker container is very good. So, is it possible to get an access to this container, if I don't want to test Atelier with my code on servers outside of my company?