go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 16, 2016 John looks like you worried about your leadership in this contest, not sure that somebody could do more than you, in just one day now.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 16, 2016 Is anybody knows why Studio in Windows7 through Parallels which connected to server on the host, too often says that connection have been lost, and offers to restart Studio? Version used on both sides 2016.1.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 11, 2016 Murray thanks for your articles. But I think, should be mentioned metrics related to Write Daemon too, such as WDphase and WDQsz. Some time when our system looks works too slow, it may depends how quickly our disks can write. And I think in this case it is very usefull metrics. In my own experience I saw when in usual day our server started to work to slow in we saw that writedaemon all time was in 8 phase, and with PhyWrs we can count how many blocks were really written on a disk, and it was not so big count in that time, and so we found a problem in our storage, something related with snapshots. And when storage was reconfigured, our witedaemon continued to work as before quickly.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 11, 2016 How about this way, just USER>s rs=##class(%File).FileSetFunc("c:\intersystems\") USER>d rs.%Display() Name Type Size DateCreated DateModified ItemName C:\InterSystems\Deltanji D 2016-02-08 18:11:24 2016-02-08 18:21:28 Deltanji C:\InterSystems\EMS D 2013-10-22 10:10:17 2014-05-12 11:44:27 EMS C:\InterSystems\Ensemble10 D 2013-01-12 09:28:38 2015-11-06 12:25:53 Ensemble10 C:\InterSystems\Ensemble14 D 2013-10-22 10:00:14 2015-11-06 12:29:29 Ensemble14 Much simplier, end returns %SQL.ClassQueryResultSet *Func available since 2012.2
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 11, 2016 In our project we started to use it when InterSystems suddenly moved %cspSession global from CACHETEMP to CACHE. And after that, all our chnages in %session.Data started journaling. And to prevent it, we use %ALL to map this global to CACHETEMP.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 10, 2016 I used this url and it looks works fine.https://atelier.artifactoryonline.com/atelier/atelier-beta-1.0/
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 9, 2016 Unfortunately output window, just ignore any control characters, and not sure that is possible now.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 9, 2016 Much better If it would be possible to migrate or merge two accounts here. I have a WRC account on email from my current company, but what happens when I chnage a job. In this case I may loose access to any my content here. And I have another registration with my own email. It would be very nice if I could merge two of this accounts or something else, if I could use WRC and commonity with the same my own not corporate account.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 9, 2016 As I know you may only change default background color for document and for status pane, and this color will be different for different servers
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 9, 2016 Using Gravatar, It is a good idea.But, I think there is a some problem with it. Most of accounts here uses corporate e-mails, but in any other places we are using our private e-mail, I do so. And I hava gravatar for years, and it uses only my private addresses, and sure most of people here too.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 9, 2016 Unfortunately, no one file can be downloaded, with 404 error
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 8, 2016 In Amazon for example as I know, you may use private network with machines without any public IPs, only private static or dynamic address by your own dhcp setver. And in this case I don't see any troubles in using Mirrors in cloud. I think any others cloud prividers have such possibilites.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 6, 2016 Well, but maybe possible to get COS parser as a separate project. What I see now, that most important errors in Atelier for me now, it is Parsing errors. And such problem not only for Atelier, for any other editors which now available. And parser as a one of the most difficult parts of editor should be done by InterSystems, they change language. While InterSystems have already opened server's API, as a chance for any others developers to make their own editor. Next step as I think should be open Parser, or any help in support. I know exactly how difficult to write COS parser, I tried to do it for my NBStudio, and helped in writing SonarQube plugin, and last one my project it is a pygments COS parser used for GitHub. And finally I think, to get most support for all future editors, Java-based or JavaScript or even C#, such parser should be written on ANTLR. Now it supports not only java as a platform, JavaScript and C# supported too, and I think this parser would be used for any future editors, and Caché-developers finally gets more then one useful editor.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 5, 2016 In our company, all developers usess their own installation of Ensemble. We develop web-application, and most of our changes we do on server-side code, and support only one version of Caché. In a team with more then one developer, but on one server much easier to disturb to others developers on this server. And with a web-based application, you also need to change some static files, such as JS or CSS, so in this case you can't split changes from different developers if you use any source control system. On his own server developer have a full control on development environment. Only in cases, where server uses only to store some data or with so small changes of server's code, and client works via network, possible to work on single server for all developers.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4, 2016 It's not completely right, after migrating to 2016.2 and later versions. You still can use both Atelier and Studio, even with sources in UDL format. With $system.OBJ.ExportUDL() and $system.OBJ.Load() in Studio Hook you can export and import in UDL format. So, in this case, will be much easier to migrate from Studio to Atelier in a team. But any way you should convert your sources from XML to UDL.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 4, 2016 Since Atelier now has a client side folder, for edited files, you can't just edit server's files.You should copy such classes or routines to the project before, by menu Copy to project. In dialog you should choose already existed project, and after Finish button, that files will be available for edit.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 2, 2016 Post names as iKnow +Atelier, and I guess it means server side language, not client side. That's why I offered this variant.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Mar 2, 2016 If you think, that really need some new language in Caché. You can add with some limitiations, if Studio already can highlight that language. Now you can do it only in Studio, Atelier does not support it. I've already wrote a short post about something like you want. And about javascript-like language which can be executed on server side, because compiles into COS, yet in russian, and it will be transleted in english some time later. In that my article, I used as an example code // hello console.log('Hello World!'); var name=''; read('What is your name? ', name); println('Hello ' + name + '!'); which compiles to ;generated at 2014-05-18 20:06:36 Write "Hello World!",! new name set name = "" read "What is your name? ", name,! Write "Hello "_ name _"!",!