go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 18, 2016 Documentation about $horolog Contains the local date and time for the current process.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 18, 2016 Why do you name it macro ?Maybe you mean MAC routine ? I highly recommend to read this tutorial about CacheObjectScript usually you can call routine by simple command do ^routine but sometime you need to call directly to concrete label in that routine do label^routine() but in this case if you use curly brace style, you should public such method in routine label() public { write "Hello World!" } or in old style label() write "Hello world!" quit
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 As I see you a talking about Ensemble REST service. In this case I am not 100% sure, I think pInput only contains some binary data, or json. But forms data any should be available with %request.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 So, you had to start with such explanation.Well, does not matter what do you set in Accept header, if you don't use it by yourself. Like, you should check incoming content type and send an error if it is not accepted. This Header change nothing in incoming data, if data was sent in another format.To read data, you should know that %request has three different ways for getting data. You have already known in %request.Content, which usually contains binary streams. Then %request.MimeData, and %request.Data, it is a Multidimensional properties, and %request has some getters for them, %request.GetMimeData and %request.Get. MimeData, needs when client send data in multipart mime format, such as several files or so on. And %request.Data, in all most cases, and you should look at this property and method %request.Get("somename")
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 Well, in this case you should set Header Accept, with needed one or more formats, more info in wiki set %response.SetHeader("Accept","text/plain")
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 If you use %CSP.REST, you can set needed ContentType in any called method XData UrlMap { <Routes> <Route Url="/text" Method="GET" Call="GetText" Cors="false" /> </Routes> } ClassMethod GetText() { set %response.ContentType="text/plain" write "test" quit $$$OK } and test ➜ ~ curl -v http://localhost:57774/api/app/text * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 57774 (#0) > GET /api/ambulance/text HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:57774 > User-Agent: curl/7.49.1 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 17:54:28 GMT < Server: Apache < CACHE-CONTROL: no-cache < EXPIRES: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:04:19 GMT < PRAGMA: no-cache < CONTENT-LENGTH: 4 < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact test%
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 if you need add a string, you should concatenate it with operator _+ converts all types to number, and doing arithmetical operator add7_"" became "7"+"5apples" became 5
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 Both of this are completely different products. Where: Ensemble is an Integration platform, and DeepSee is an Business IntelligenceAlso, you can look at some learning courses from InterSystems, about Ensemble and DeepSee and Caché
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 because + is an operation for numbers, and yes, answer is correct, because 5 + 7 is 12if you expected to see "5apples7 orange", in this case you should use concatenate operator "_"write "5apples" _ "7 orange"
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 17, 2016 Macro is $$$. Anyway, a little excerpt from documentation $ Dollar sign (36): Intrinsic (system) function prefix: $name(parameters).Special variable prefix: $name.$Znnn (a name beginning with $Z) can be a user-defined function or special variable defined using %ZLANG language extension library. It can also be an intrinsic (InterSystems supplied) function or special variable.Regular expression end of string anchor; for example, (USA)$.In ZBREAK debugging, a single-step breakpoint.As first character at terminal prompt, load interactive subshell.$$ Double dollar sign: Extrinsic (user-written) function prefix: $$name(parameters). $$ is returned by $STACK when context was established by an extrinsic function reference.Prefix to a routine name to directly invoke that routine.$$$ Triple dollar sign: Macro invocation prefix.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 16, 2016 What do you mean by dynamic sessions ?Web sessions in Caché only two types, preserve or not. Preserve just keep working in the same process, for all request in this session, and keeps every locks. By default sessions, instead, only keeps data in %session.Data, and release locks after end of request.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 10, 2016 You can do it as in any CSP page/class. With %request, which is object of class %CSP.Request And headers available in property CgiEnvs, where every http header appear with a prefix HTTP_ So, you may try this code. set ipCountry=%request.GetCgiEnv("HTTP_CF-IPCOUNTRY")
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 9, 2016 Unfortunately in times when web-applications prevail other types of applications this approach is cannot be widely used. This way can't be used directly in CSP, because of by default any session could be joined to any process, but Procces-private globals is not session-provite globals. And If you need to have such functionality with CSP, you should use Preserve sessions or use something like Sessions-private global, something like this ^CacheTemp.SomeTableD($select($isobject($get(%session)):%session.SessionId,1:$job))
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 7, 2016 Good article, but unfortunately I don't see the answer for last part for the question "How can I minimize the phenomena?"So, in my practise, such behavior, in most cases related with some application's buffer globals, or logging globals. And mostly we don't need in this journal, because it is not important part of our data, and we should not spend important resources for doing this. And we can cut off journalling for such globals. There are some ways to do it: Remap such globals to another database with disabled journaling. But this way has some exceptions, any changes in transactions, should be journaled in any way.Use ENABLE^%NOJRN to disable journaling non-transact changes, and return back with DISABLE^%NORJN.Remap to database CACHETEMP, which disabled for all changes, even in transaction.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 5, 2016 As you have not showed full example of your code, I suggest that you use wrong class for fileStream.For any text's you should use Character's stream, such as %Stream.FileCharacter, %Stream.GlobalCharacter
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 5, 2016 In this case you can use windows tool SC, to get information about services. and to work with SC, you can use $zf(-1), and it will looks something like this set result=$zf(-1,"sc query messenger | FIND ""STATE"" | FIND ""RUNNING""") if result'=0 write "Service messenger is not running"
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 5, 2016 GlobalsDB, no more developing, thats why this site has some issues.You may find you answer in this exactly the same question, asked few days ago
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Aug 2, 2016 All replacements for different $zu you can find hereso, in case with $zu(49), you can get such information with class SYS.Database, and it's not delimited now, and has properties