While the requests is ended up in IRIS, than IRIS is responsible for the response, and it should support responses in HTTP/2 which is very different from HTTP/1. In HTTP/1 it does not matter how many connections are, queries will be processed one by one, and responses will go accordingly one by one. But in HTTP/2 queries processed simultaneously and response will go to the client as soon as it's done, no matter where it's started and it goes through the same connection, while in HTTP/1 connection per request. And IRIS and for sure Caché does not have support for it, the only way it's working is to process one request per connection and response as soon as the result is ready.

So, even if you manage to mimic HTTP/2 somehow, it will not help almost at all, the queries in the connection still process synchronously.

So, if your application is using CSP files, the only way is to completely rewrite it with some external framework, Python could be a solution, most of the popular frameworks can work this way, just select one you like more, Django, Flask, FastAPI or whatever you find. Even if you have just only REST, it will not be easy to implement. 

I see no reasons to do it on ObjectScript, it will be quite difficult to achieve it.

Well, the issue is that Caché, or even IRIS, still uses one Job to process requests for the same session. So, anything higher than 1.1 will not help at all. So, the only solution is to make sure that as much more possible static files are processed without Caché/IRIS or WebGateway, through a webserver configured for HTTP/2/3. And only API requests which require data would go to Caché/IRIS, and best case if it will be session-less queries, meaning that your requests are not tied to the session on the server, and those queries could be processed in parallel, and everything needed can be reconstructed from the query, e.g. username to check permissions should go from Authorization header.

Moving from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2/3 is not as simple as you expect, differences between protocols are significant. And requires a lot of work on the application.

You can't publish manually to the public repository, you can do it only through OpenExchange, check IPM during application creation, and with the next release, it will publish your project for you

If you want to publish to your repo, you just have to specify login and password, with command like this

repo -r -n myrepo -url https://server/registry/ -user "test" -pass "test"

You did not mention, what package you would like to use in Python to make REST. 

  • if it's FastAPI, with this package you can use SQLAlchemy and sqlalchemy-iris 
  • Django, with this framework, then just use django-iris

In any case, I would recommend looking into SQLAlchemy, and its API, which has many features, of course including the way to list tables, as well as list columns in tables, and lots of other features.

If you are going to use some other package for making REST API, and this library does not support SQLAlchemy, let me know, I'll have a look, and may implement IRIS for this library too.

Looks like the database was created with a different collation, and contains a few globals with this collation. 

I don't remember, but I think in the messages.log it should show which collation is expected. And then, you can change it in Management Portal, and with NLS. When you activate NLS which contains the expected collation, it will be able to mount this database.