And generated code for those parameters

ROUTINE User.Test.G1 [Type=INT,Generated]
	;(C)InterSystems, method generator for class User.Test.  Do NOT edit.
pCOMPILETIME(%class,%parameter) public { New %classname Set %classname=%class
 Quit $ZDateTime($ZTimeStamp,,,3)
ROUTINE User.Test.1 [Type=INT,Generated]
 ;Generated for class User.Test.  Do NOT edit. 10/03/2022 07:50:07AM
ztest() public {
  Write !,"RunTime: ", ..#RUNTIME
  Write !,"CompileTime: ", ..#COMPILETIME
  hang .5
  Write !,"RunTime: ", ..#RUNTIME
  Quit 1 }
zRUNTIMEP() public {
	Quit ($ZDateTime($ZTimeStamp,,,3)) }

From my point of view, the main issue is ObjectScript. Any new developer, would not see it as something that may help him in the future. Developers should not work at the same company and with the same technology for a lifetime. Every developer, should check the potential to change the job, and get a promotion. In comparison to more popular programming languages, ObjectScript can offer nothing at all. Python developers for instance can change work and get a better salary, much easier.

Even though, InterSystems products are supported by other programming languages, such as Java, .Net, and NodeJS. It's real pain, to make that work, even with the last trending Python, quite tricky to start. 

I'm sure, that to gain more people on our IRIS side, we have to look at the popular tools, frameworks, and libraries used by developers, and make them work with IRIS as well. Many libraries support a huge amount of databases, including some proprietary, but no IRIS at all. So, developers who know well Java, have a lot of possibilities to start a project very quickly which would work with any database, but IRIS.

I'm personally, trying to help with these issues. Even for ObjectScript, I managed to upgrade the developer's experience with modern IDE VSCode (So, the young developers who know what a modern development process should look like, would not be so shocked by so outdated Studio). Help with using Docker in the development process, package managers, and continuous integration, all with ObjectScript, and even static syntax analyzer. But I want that all the new projects would not use ObjectScript at all, to help with it, I have built Django driver to IRIS. I want to see IRIS support in as many programming languages as possible, and as many libraries and frameworks as possible. So, the developers would not have any issues in switching jobs, they have to use their knowledge which could be applicable anywhere. Want to build an application that uses SQL, that's ok, here is the driver, connect it and use it, as you would do it with another relational database.  NoSQL, ORM, or something else, is not an issue as well. But it's still too far to this point. 

There are no settings that would limit it.

There are various reasons, which may cause the low reading speed. It may also depend on the kind of disk HDD or SSD. Multiple processes can read simultaneously. If you manage to split one read to multiple processes, you may achieve better speed. Copy file, not a right way to measure the speed, because with Cache your data can be spread among disk wider than you think, and it will take time to read it. Defragmentation can be the reason of slow speed.

You may ask InterSystems WRC to help you to investigate this. Or may contact me, directly I can help with it as well.

it would be a huge waste of resources with higher complexity of the development process. I would not recommend it this way at all.

A much better way is to use named volumes, where you could munt data, which you would like to keep between restarts of containers, but not easy way as well requires a lot of attention to many staff in IRIS, or use with Durable %SYS

It's essential to keep in mind, that ObjectScript code has to be compiled. And actually, there are two ways of doing this.

  • Build stage, mostly with using Dockerfile
  • Runtime stage, start vanilla IRIS and build application there.

Yes, docker build can be slow, but the issue here is that IRIS starts in fully functional mode, and it takes too much time to start. While it would be enough if IRIS would be started with very minimal functionality (no spare wrtitedaemons, no hot jobs for Interoperability, and so on)

Building an application in runtime does make not so much sense. First of all, it's not so simple to make this happen. And second, the logging of this is quite complicated as well. So, it makes the debugging of the build process much more difficult. And in the case of a significantly big project, it still will take a lot of time to be built, but with less understanding of the progress.

The ability to fail fast is quite important, and it's a sign to a developer, that something is odd. Building images with BuildKit, have a different way of logging, and it may not show the real reason for failure, but you can turn on the full logging this way

docker-compose build --progress plain

If your project uses ZPM, so, most probably you would have lines like this

RUN --mount=type=bind,src=.,dst=. \
  iris start iris && \
  iris session iris "##class(%ZPM.PackageManager).Shell(\"load /home/irisowner/$MODULE -v\",1,1)" && \
  ([ $TESTS -eq 0 ] || iris session iris "##class(%ZPM.PackageManager).Shell(\"test $MODULE -v -only\",1,1)") && \
  iris stop iris quietly

ZPM's Shell accepts three parameters

  • executed command itself
  • Fail on error
  • Halt on exit

So, you can just change the second parameter (the first 1) to 0, and the build will be successful in any case

An idempotent operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application. Put more simply, an operation is idempotent if you can repeat it over and over again without causing any unwanted side effect or harm to the system, always producing the same result.

I agree with these, and, that's not what actually happens with MergeCPF.

We have two different options

  • CreateNamespace
  • ModifyNamespace

But, to make MergeCPF truly follow idempotent, it should be only one like CreateOrModifyNamespace or to make it declarative way just Namespace. Where in this case, I will get what I defined in any case

I have this file


I have no NameSpace Demo, and after merge, I will get the new Database, But No Namespace at all. And no failure, merge said all good.

Yeah, probably Namespace not a good example, not so variants to change it on the fly, but what about User, I would probably want to change password with the next deploy, or changes Roles. Or CSP Application , and so on. 

In the current state of work, the only correct way is to always define Create and Modify, so, it will always create the desired resources, and Modify, if I would need to update already created previously. This does not look like an obvious way to go, at all.

Right %Installer is still in place, and we have it in some of the templates.

So, what would I like to see in with iris merge

  • error code 0, for success
  • --dry-run flag, to have an ability to somehow validate the merge process, what will happen if I do merge
  • --verbose|-v flag, or by default, and --no-verbose to get the current behavior. Verbose output should show every single change made, similar to %Installer output, including plain changes not covered by [Actions]
  • --fail-fast by default, fail on any error that happens, CreateNamespace on existing namespace should fail, and so on.
  • --ignore-errors for the current behavior, when some issues are ignored completely. But it still has to log in verbose output.