go to post Patrick Newton · Mar 12, 2017 Seems atelier is spelt incorrectly in the curl example, here's an example of usecurl --user jamien:SYS{"status":{"errors":[],"summary":""},"console":[],"result":{"content":{"version":"Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2017.3 (Build 529U) Wed Feb 15 2017 01:28:51 EST","id":"DD2AAF5C-F6C1-11E6-AC71-38C986213273","api":2,"features":[{"name":"DEEPSEE","enabled":true},{"name":"ENSEMBLE","enabled":true},{"name":"HEALTHSHARE","enabled":false}],"namespaces":["%SYS","DOCBOOK","ENSDEMO","ENSEMBLE","SAMPLES","USER"]}}}
go to post Patrick Newton · Mar 3, 2017 I think you are laboring under a misapprehension. You can only use the XSLT2 Cache functionality through the Java Gateway, originating your request from the cache server. It's s server-side technology. You can use XSLT extensions in Atelier ( or any other tool ) to test and debug your XSLT on filesystem files but you won't be able to use the server callback isc:evaluate() within those stylesheets.
go to post Patrick Newton · Feb 9, 2017 You can have multiple projects in your workspace and thats the way to go.Below is an overview of the synchronization strategy. You will see if that someone changes files on the server underneath you then conflicts will occur. With Atelier you need to focus on the fact that the source on the client is the 'source of truth' the server is where you run your code. Your workflow should be sourcecontrol -> client -> server.Synchronization Services for the New Development Paradigm This document describes the current approach to client/server synchronization.Documents may be edited on the client independently of a connection to a Caché server. However, when a connection is established with a server for the purposes of saving, compiling and running code, then the client and server must agree with respect to the version of documents that are being operated upon.Each document that exists on a server has a hash value associated with it. Each time the document changes, the hash value also changes. The hash value represents the server's version of the document. It's important to keep in mind that there is only ever ONE current version of a document on a server. The hash value is an opaque value, as far as the user is concerned it's just a 'cookie'.All that is necessary when a client pushes a document to the server, is for the client to specify (via the hash) the version of the document it is replacing on the server. If the current server hash and the hash passed to the server from the client are equal then there is a MATCH on version and the server can go ahead and SAVE the document. If the hashes don't MATCH then there is a CONFLICT and the document will NOT be saved on the server.*The key idea here is that you cannot successfully push a document from a client to a server unless you identify by version the server document you are replacing. The hashes allow you to do that.*In the case of creating a new file, the client will not know the server hash. In this case it just passes the empty string to the server as the server hash value.If the server does not have that document (that is, it is new to the server too) then the hashes will MATCH, the operation will succeed and the server will return a new document hash.If the server already has the document, then there is a CONFLICT, the operation will not succeed.Conflicts have to be resolved before a document can be modified on the server. How the conflict is actually resolved really does not matter (one could pull the server version, merge the diffs or do whatever). What is important is that when the resolution on the client has been done, the client must update its cached server hash to reflect the current server version. This means that when the client passes that hash value back to the server on the next save, the versions will match and the modification will go ahead.In the case of deleting a file, the client must once again specify the server hash (if it has it). A MATCH on the server will result in the document being deleted, a MISMATCH will result in a CONFLICT.All this is predicated on the client's ability to cache the hashes according to client source file, server address, server namespace and server document. How the data is stored is not important, what is important is that the hashes must be cached and passed to the server when a document modification is requested.It's also important that the hash cache is persisted in some sort of client database. If not, then the synchronization of sources would have to be redone each time an interaction with a server is initiated.The relationship between client and server sources is shown in this diagram
go to post Patrick Newton · Feb 3, 2017 Server Sync does take some time. This is mitigated for intersystems distributed library databases by pre-populating meta data and placing it on the server.See for example, {serverdir}/atelier/CACHELIB/Metadata.zip.If you have libraries of code then you can generate your own metadata.zip and place it on the server under the appropriate directory. You can call %Atelier.v1.Utils.MetaData.Build(databasename) and then add the generated files to Metadata.zip. We don't do this for you because Caché doesn't have a portable means of creating zip files.For occasions where you don't have this pre-populated metadata, the initial load can take some time. However following the initial sync, synchronization should be quick as we do sophisticated cacheing and reporting of server diffs. The delay can't be completely avoided because large amounts of meta data have to be transferred over the network.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jan 25, 2017 This feature has not yet been implemented but planned for the next release.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jan 24, 2017 Yes, Atelier requires all files to have a header which defines the metadata for the file. The extension of the file is not enough ( for example in an INT the language mode is important ). Normally you don't need to know the rules as Atelier will handle this for you. For reference here are the rules. I'll ensure that they are added to the Atelier reference documentationIt is required that Caché sources be stored in the file system in a textual format as opposed to the XML format that we have been using for some time now. The primary purpose of this requirement is to facilitate easy comprehension, editing and the performance of diffs. The current XML format captures additional meta-data ( for example, 'language mode' ) that does not appear in the body of the document. Any textual format MUST be able to accommodate this meta-data to ensure that no information is lost. Therefore, for exporting .mac, .int, .inc, .bas, .mvb and .mvi items during export a single line of header information appears as the first line of text in the following format :-Routine NAME [Type = TYPE, LanguageMode = MODE, Generated] "Routine" is a case insensitive string which identifies this document as being a routine document container NAME is the name of the routine item (case sensitive) Following the name there is an optional collection of keyword value pairs that are enclosed in square brackets '[' ']'.Currently three keywords are supported :-Type = TYPE. Where TYPE is one of bas, inc, int, mac, mvb, mvi.LanguageMode = MODE. Where MODE is an integer that is supported as an argument to $SYSTEM.Process.LanguageMode(MODE).Generated. Its presence indicates that the routine is generated.The keywords are optional and if none is specified then the square brackets containing them should not be present (though it is NOT a syntax error to specify an empty pair of square brackets ([])).The LanguageMode keyword applies only for Type=mac or Type=int and will be ignored for other types. The default value for the LanguageMode keyword is 0.Whitespace is freely supported within the headerEverything that comes after the single first line is source content and MUST be formatted according to the established rules of the particular document type. There is no trailer that indicates the end of the document.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jan 23, 2017 The first line of the routine has to be in a particular format. Check that you didn't break the formatting.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jan 12, 2017 Thanks for your feedback. To some extent we are constrained by the eclipse framework with what we can do but clearly the things that you point out can be improved. We will be sure to take this into account in our continued development.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jan 5, 2017 The mechanism is broadly similar to that which is used by Studio. When you invoke the Add-Ins menu item, Atelier issues this query by doing a post to with this body{"query": "call %CSP.StudioTemplateMgr_Templates('addin')"}This returns the JSON which enumerates those templates of type 'addin' which are available.If you create a user template then the menu item should show up for your custom template. (see documentation /csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSTD_Templates/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSTD_Templates, section 'Making Your Own Studio Templates')
go to post Patrick Newton · Dec 13, 2016 It's not actually a size thing, but a complexity. The parsers for JavaScript and SQL can be slow at times ( we are working on that ) so we timeout on parsing if we feel it's taking too long. We know this is inconvenient but we didn't want to delay the initial (MVP) release of Atelier because of this one issue.
go to post Patrick Newton · Sep 30, 2016 Yes, we will be enhancing Atelier with many features to support ensemble, the rules editor being one of them. The strategy will be for the web-based editors to be rendered within an embedded browser window within Atelier similar to the facility provided in studio for web-based editors.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jul 14, 2016 There is an eclipse bug with secure storage on the mac (I guess you are on the mac right). You have to delete the storage and recreate it. This I believe is possible from the preferences menu. There is no known fix for this at present.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jul 14, 2016 Yes, you ARE missing something. On the Server Explorer view there is a small downwards point triangle. Select that and choose 'customize view'. They turn OFF the generated files filter
go to post Patrick Newton · Jun 8, 2016 This is really an ISC internal issue but I would ensure that %Studio.SourceControl.ISC is compiled on the server.
go to post Patrick Newton · Jun 7, 2016 Tim is right, all classes require a package name. The clue is in the fact that myclass is underlined and colored in Red. In future versions of Atelier will be implementing 'code hints' and 'smart fixes' which will be able to help you resolve these sorts of problems quickly. Thank you!
go to post Patrick Newton · Jun 1, 2016 The Atelier plugin is targeted specifically at Eclipse and leverages significant Eclipse specific infrastructure such as the dynamic languages toolkit (DLTK). Unless JBOSS and/or MyEclipse are 100% compatible with Eclipse then the answer would be no. We have no plans to support any other IDE at this moment in time.