go to post Iain Fletcher · Feb 21, 2018 To get this working I have implemented a customer filterOnDrawFilter="DrawDateFilter" filterType="custom"And created local versions of filterKeyPressed/filterChanged from %ZEN.Component.tablePane for validation/// User override of filter for Title column.Method DrawDateFilter(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pColInfo As %ZEN.Auxiliary.column) As %Status{// check if manually entered or from date pickerif pColInfo.filterValue["/" {set displayFilterValue=pColInfo.filterValue} else {set displayFilterValue=$select(pColInfo.filterValue'="":$zd($zdh(pColInfo.filterValue,3),4),1:"")}set src=pName&html<<table class="tpFilterLayout" border="0" cellspacing="#(pTable.cellSpacing)#" width="100%"><tr>>&html<<td nowrap="1"><input type="text" size="12" id="#(pTable.%MakeId("filter1_"_src))#" #(..%Attr("title",pColInfo.filterTitle))# class="tpFilterDate" value="#($ZCVT(displayFilterValue,"O","HTML"))#" onkeypress="zenPage.filterKeyPressed(event,'#(src)#','date',1);" onchange="zenPage.filterChanged('#(src)#',true,'date',1);"><input type="button" onclick="zenPage.getComponent(#(pTable.index)#).showDateSelector('#(src)#',1,'#(pColInfo.filterType)#','#(pColInfo.minDate)#','#(pColInfo.maxDate)#');" class="tpFilterButton" value="..."/></td>>&html<</tr></table>>Quit $$$OK}
go to post Iain Fletcher · Jan 23, 2018 Interesting on my macOS instance it worksCache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.2.2 (Build 853U) Fri Apr 7 2017 13:51:27 EDTbut windows it does notCache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 736) Fri Sep 30 2016 11:46:13 EDT
go to post Iain Fletcher · Jan 23, 2018 Yes I have tried these and both display as ? as well. I have tried on Edge/IE 11/chrome/safari browsers and all look the same.
go to post Iain Fletcher · Jan 23, 2018 >= appears as >= which I had originally but is not what the customer is asking for.