Article Daniel Wijnschenk · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Modern Full-Stack Development Presenter: Danny WijnschenkTask: Build a development stack that enables state-of-the-art rapid development with a stable but adaptive back end.Approach: Use InterSystems’ new document data model to achieve modern full-stack development The MEAN stack is a very popular stack for building applications quickly that can change at a rapid pace. We will explore the benefits of such a stack and how you can tackle the requirements for modern and fast paced front-end development with support of a stable, but yet adaptive back-end using our new document data model. Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #Frontend #Other 0 0 0 404
Article Daniel Wijnschenk · Apr 7, 2016 1m read Global Summit 2016 - Turning Accountants into Explorers Presenter: Danny WijnschenkTask: Help people make better decisions by letting application deal with all the data.Approach: As an example, we’ll extend a demo asset management application for portfolio and trade compliance, using iKnow technology to translate agreements into rules that ensure portfolio compliance prior to trade execution. In this session, we’ll discuss how easy it is to extend a classic application that deals with straightforward transactions, to also offer insights and actions based on more complex, unstructured data. We’ll present a use case on portfolio compliance from the financial services industry.Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. #Unstructured Data #InterSystems Natural Language Processing (NLP, iKnow) 0 1 0 356