This is a good use case for HAVING. Using Sample.Person as an example, the following queries are equivalent:

SELECT a.Age,A.Name
   Sample.Person a
   LEFT JOIN Sample.Person b
   on a.home_state = b.home_state
     and a.DOB < b.DOB
   b.ID is null

Implemented with HAVING:

FROM Sample.Person
GROUP BY Home_State

The second is much more intuitive, and runs significantly faster too.

I suspect your query would be expressed as:

FROM client_address
GROUP BY client_id
HAVING date_updated = MIN(date_updated)

The business operation's "Archive I/O" setting might do what you want, depending on what messages you're passing around. This will add some extra things to the message trace showing what the input to services or the output from operations is.

You can enable I/O archiving in the business operation's settings on the production configuration page, at the end of the "Development and Debugging" section.

Methods in Zen classes declared with "Method" or "ClassMethod" are all server-side. These may also have the ZenMethod keyword, which allows them to be called from javascript (e.g., zenPage.MethodName().)

If you want to have a JavaScript method in a Zen class, the method should be declared as a ClientMethod with [Language = javascript].

A useful convention you'll see in %ZEN is that server-side, non-ZenMethods have names starting with %, ZenMethods (Methods or ClassMethods with the ZenMethod keyword) start with capital letters, and ClientMethods start with lower case letters. It's useful to follow the same convention when you build your own Zen pages.

Your last example is really close - probably just the typo in the component ID that's the problem.

Class DC.ZenRadioOnLoad Extends

/// This XML block defines the contents of this page.
XData Contents [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<page xmlns="" title="">
<radioSet id="appRadio" name="appRadio" 
displayList="App One,App Two,App Three" 

/// This callback is called after the server-side page 
/// object and all of its children are created.<br/>
/// Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify 
/// items within the page object model, or to provide values
/// for controls.
Method %OnAfterCreatePage() As %Status
    Set ..%GetComponentById("appRadio").value = "Three"
    Quit $$$OK


You could always use process private globals instead of local variable names if you want to avoid collisions in local variable names.

ClassMethod GetVariables() As %List
    Set ^||VariableNameList = ""
    Set ^||VariableName = ""
    Set ^||VariableName = $Order(@^||VariableName)
    While (^||VariableName '= "") {
        Set ^||VariableNameList = ^||VariableNameList_$ListBuild(^||VariableName)
        Set ^||VariableName = $Order(@^||VariableName)
    Quit ^||VariableNameList

This might do some things you don't expect depending on variable scope, though - possibly relevant depending on the use case you have in mind.

Class Demo.Variables

ClassMethod OuterMethod()
    Set x = 5
    Do ..InnerMethod()

ClassMethod InnerMethod() [ PublicList = y ]
    Set y = 10
    Write $ListToString(..GetVariables())

ClassMethod NoPublicListMethod()
    Set y = 10
    Write $ListToString(..GetVariables())

ClassMethod GetVariables() As %List
    Set ^||VariableNameList = ""
    Set ^||VariableName = ""
    Set ^||VariableName = $Order(@^||VariableName)
    While (^||VariableName '= "") {
        Set ^||VariableNameList = ^||VariableNameList_$ListBuild(^||VariableName)
        Set ^||VariableName = $Order(@^||VariableName)
    Quit ^||VariableNameList



SAMPLES>kill  set z = 0 d ##class(Demo.Variables).OuterMethod()
SAMPLES>kill  set z = 0 d ##class(Demo.Variables).NoPublicListMethod()

If you specified credentials during installation and don't remember them, you can use this process to get to the terminal prompt:

After starting in emergency access mode, you can run the command:


And navigate through the prompts to see what users there are and change the password of one so you can log in.

That's odd - something may have gone wrong with your build. (This is an internal issue.)

You can remove/change the "Source Control" class for the namespace in Management Portal:

Go to System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Source Control, select the proper namespace, select "None," and click "Save."

The class you listed fails for me too, but it's because there's no package name, not because of the bracket mismatch. In Atelier, the class name gets an error marker:

If I change it to:

class somepackage.myclass {
//if someVar {

Then the file will happily sync and compile.

If adding the package doesn't fix things, it would be helpful to know what Atelier and Caché versions you're using.

Export with File > Export > General > Preferences; check "Keys Preferences" (which only appears if you've customized any preferences)

Import with File > Import > General > Preferences; select file then check "Keys Preferences"


It seems that the CSV export from Window > Preferences, General > Keys, Export CSV ... doesn't have a corresponding import feature.

Ah - yes, a number of things log to ^%ISCLOG. It's very important to set ^%ISCLOG = 0 at the end to keep it from continuing to record. The command I mentioned previously is an easy way to make sure that you're only logging for a brief period of time - paste the command into Terminal and hit enter to start logging, then load the page, then hit enter in Terminal to stop logging. Still, there could be lots of other stuff in there even from having it enabled briefly depending on how busy the server is.

It might make sense for you to contact InterSystems' outstanding Support department - someone could work through this with you directly and help you find a solution more quickly.

A few questions:

  • If you open the same URL without the CSPDEBUG URL parameter, what happens?
  • Does /namehere/package.home.cls work as a debug target?
  • Is the webserver port correct for IIS, or are you using a private webserver that isn't enabled? (The webserver port Studio uses can be changed in the Cube under Preferred Server > Add/Edit...)
  • Does the audit database show anything odd?

For troubleshooting CSP issues (although more often on InterSystems' side than in application code), ISCLOG can be helpful. For example, run the following line in terminal:

kill ^%ISCLOG set ^%ISCLOG = 3 read x set ^%ISCLOG = 0

Then make whatever HTTP request is causing an error, then hit enter in terminal (to stop logging), then:

zwrite ^%ISCLOG

There might be a lot of noise in there, but also possibly a smoking gun - a stack trace from a low-level CSP error, an error %Status from something security-related, etc.

In Studio, choose Debug > Debug Target... and enter the URL you want to debug, including CSP application - e,g,, /csp/samples/ZENDemo.MethodTest.cls. Put a breakpoint in the method you want to debug. Click Debug > Go. That should do it.
