go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 12, 2017 It looks like some of this may have come from https://community.intersystems.com/post/example-connecting-cach%C3%A9-web-service-php The remainder of that example may also be useful, for demonstrating how to use the correct SOAPACTION (which the error message you have refers to). This entails using __soapCall with an array of options including the expected SOAPACTION value. // Object with parameter names and values for the SOAP call $request = new stdClass(); $request->id = $id; // This goes in an associative array with key FindPersonSoapIn (see WSDL) $params = array(); $params['FindPersonSoapIn']=$request; // In the array of options for the soap call, soapaction must be specified since there's no WSDL to refer to. // PHP provides a default value of <uri>#<method>, but that's incorrect. $options = array('soapaction'=>$uri.'/SOAP.Demo.FindPerson'); // Actually call the web service $result = $client->__soapCall("FindPerson",$params,$options);
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 12, 2017 The problem with using the strategy from that code snippet on breakpoints is that they're separate persistent objects - the approach in the code snippet is to make a temporary change to the object that will be exported, but this doesn't seem to work (after a few attempts with different approaches) for breakpoints without breaking things in Studio.Having project items sorted alphabetically is helpful to avoid conflicts in source control with multiple people working on the same project at the same time.Example:User A adds a file. User B adds a file. User A commits their change. User B goes to commit their change and can't because a conflict is detected due to User A's change to the same line of code (because both added new project items at the end of the list).
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 12, 2017 This is a great list!For (10), I always use a global starting with ^mtemp rather than ^debug (for example). By default, ^mtemp is mapped to CACHETEMP. This is handy for a few reasons:Debugging global sets from all namespaces go to the same database.This database is reinitialized each time the system starts, so it's a great place to put data you don't care about losing. (No need to fill/expand databases you do care about with debugging information, especially for the off chance that you accidentally forget to remove the debugging code.)Since CACHETEMP isn't journaled, if the debugging information is logged in a transaction, those global sets won't be rolled back even if/when the transaction is.Since CACHETEMP isn't journaled, if debug code sets a lot of globals, there won't be the extra space taken up by journals. (I once crashed a shared development environment when a process running overnight filled up the disk with journal files from setting the same debug global millions/billions of times.)I find TDD most useful for cases where there's a simple input and output to/from complex server-side processing. It'd be great to see the unit test tool you built on GitHub/etc.!One thing missing from your list is code review. This is particularly helpful for making sure you're *actually* doing #5-8.
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 12, 2017 Some indirect answers that may be useful: I don't tend to use the call stack view in the Studio debugger. For many cases where stack information is useful for debugging, I'll typically just add this to my code: do LOG^%ETN Then run it, and then look in the application error log (visible in Management Portal at System Operation > System Logs > Application ErrorLog, or via do ^%ER) to see what the stack/variables were when it was called. Also, you should be able to clear out locks (perhaps cautiously) in the management portal from System Operation > Locks > Manage Locks.
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 12, 2017 Here's a snippet from my Studio Extension (a subclass of one of the more standard extensions) that you might use and adapt in yours. It deals with a few other things that /diffexport misses - the timestamp, and the order of project items (which will normally have newly-added items at the bottom, out of alphabetical order). Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to handle breakpoints - probably the easiest way to get rid of those would be applying an XSLT to the file after it's been exported, which is pretty bad. Method OnAfterSave(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject) As %Status { Set tFileName = ..ExternalName(InternalName) If tFileName = "" { Quit $$$OK } Set tName = $Piece(InternalName,".",1,*-1) Set tExt = $ZConvert($Piece(InternalName,".",*),"U") // Special handling for projects to ensure that newly-added items don't show up at the bottom of the XML export. // This tends to cause meaningless diffs (at best) and conflicts (at worst) If (tExt = "PRJ") { Set tProject = ##class(%Studio.Project).%OpenId(tName,,.tSC) If $IsObject(tProject) { // Save the project for real (we'll be in %OnAfterSave for the project when this happens, // but %Studio.SourceControl.Interface protects against <FRAMESTACK> by moving %SourceControl // to tmp, so this should be perfectly fine). // If the project is not saved, the items will be in the wrong order. If tProject.%Save() { // Reload the project. We need to save first to be sure all ProjectItem changes are commited. // This will load them up freshly, in the normal order. Do tProject.%Reload() } // Clear a few properties, since /diffexport won't be respected. // This won't actually be saved, but these things shouldn't be in the export to disk. Set tProject.LastModified = "" Set tProject.Target = "" Set tProject.TargetType = "" } } Quit ##super(.InternalName,.Object) }
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 11, 2017 If you're looking to add RegEx-based validation to a property, see this post. If you're looking to do RegEx matching in a query... I don't think there's a built in function for this (!), but it's easy enough to do in a stored procedure: ClassMethod MatchesRegEx(pText As %String, pRegEx As %String) As %Boolean [ SqlProc ] { Quit $Match(pText,pRegEx) }
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 10, 2017 See class documentation for Security.Applications. Example: Class DC.Demo.DeepSeeEnable { ClassMethod SetDSFlag(pApplicationName As %String, pValue As %Boolean = 1) As %Status { Set tSC = $$$OK Try { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set tApplication = ##class(Security.Applications).%OpenId(pApplicationName,,.tSC) If $$$ISERR(tSC) { Quit } Set tApplication.DeepSeeEnabled = pValue Set tSC = tApplication.%Save() } Catch e { Set tSC = e.AsStatus() } Quit tSC } } Use: USER>s sc = ##class(DC.Demo.DeepSeeEnable).SetDSFlag("/csp/user",1) USER>w sc 1
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 10, 2017 Hi Sebastian, In the past, when I've tried to be creative and make <dataCombo> work more like a <select>, the better solution has been to just use a <select>, possibly customized a little bit to make it behave nicer with changing query parameter values. What's the reasoning for using a <dataCombo> rather than a <select> in your case? Here's some custom component code that might serve as a basis for a full solution. The trick is setting editable="true", overriding findSelectedItem to select the best match to the input text, and calling findSelectedItem after changes, using the built-in timer for the sake of simplicity. Compare to a normal dataCombo for reference. /// dataCombo subclass with limited support for responding to keyboard events Class DC.Demo.ZEN.Component.dataCombo Extends %ZEN.Component.dataCombo [ System = 3 ] { /// This is the XML namespace used for library components. Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://www.intersystems.com/zen/dc/demo"; /// Always editable, of course. Property editable As %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ]; /// Onclick, show the dropdown. Property onclick As %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler [ InitialExpression = "zenThis.showDropdown();" ]; /// Find and select item within the dropdown that matches current control value. /// This is called when the dropdown appears to make sure that the current /// item is highlighted. ClientMethod findSelectedItem(force, update, select) [ Language = javascript ] { force = ('undefined'!=force)?force:false; update = ('undefined'!=update)?update:true; select = ('undefined'!=select)?select:false; var inputValue = this.findElement('input').value.toUpperCase(); this.keyMode = true; if (force||this.isDropdownVisible) { var count = this.getOptionCount(); var dVal = new Array(); for (var idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { dVal[idx] = this.getOptionText(idx).toUpperCase(); if ((inputValue <= dVal[idx])&&((idx == 0)||(inputValue > dVal[idx-1]))) { this.selectItem(idx,update,select); break; } } } } /// Start (or restart) timer normally used by "timer" mode (overridden to apply to all modes) /// Users should not call this method. ClientMethod startTimer() [ Internal, Language = javascript ] { this.clearTimer(); this.actionTimerId = self.setTimeout("zenPage.getComponent("+this.index+").timerHandler()",this.delay); } /// Clear timer normally used by "timer" mode (overridden to apply to all modes) /// Users should not call this method. ClientMethod clearTimer() [ Internal, Language = javascript ] { if (this.actionTimerId) { self.clearTimeout(this.actionTimerId); this.actionTimerId = null; } } /// Timer event handler normally used by "timer" mode (overridden to apply to all modes) /// Users should not call this method. ClientMethod timerHandler() [ Internal, Language = javascript ] { if (this.isDropdownVisible) { // refresh drop down only if searchKeyLen is not defined! if ((this.searchKeyLen != '') && (this.searchKeyLen > 0)) { this.renderDropdown(); } else { this.findSelectedItem(); //Just find the selected item. } } else { this.showDropdown(); } } /// Change handler for input control. /// Users should not call this method. ClientMethod inputChangeHandler() [ Internal, Language = javascript ] { this.invokeSuper('inputChangeHandler'); //If input was cleared, and the actual control value was changed, then clear the value and notify. var input = this.findElement('input'); if (input.value == '') { if (this.getValue() != '') { this.setValue(''); this.onchangeHandler(); } } } /// Notification that this component is about to stop being modal. ClientMethod onEndModalHandler(zindex) [ Language = javascript ] { this.findSelectedItem(true,false,true); this.invokeSuper('onEndModalHandler',arguments); } } In case you're unfamiliar with custom components: you can include this one in a Zen page like this: <page xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/zen" xmlns:demo="http://www.intersystems.com/zen/dc/demo"> <demo:dataCombo sql="select 'your query here'" /> </page> Or like this: <page xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/zen" > <dataCombo xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/zen/dc/demo" sql="select 'your query here'" /> </page>
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Apr 10, 2017 Of course, for pages that don't have such handy links, there's Ctrl + End and Ctrl + Home...
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 28, 2017 Here's what you could use to get the first three pieces, all optional: Url="/([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)" Note that if there's nothing matched for the nth capturing group, it'll pass an empty string as the nth argument. (So defaults in your method signature won't be helpful.)
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 28, 2017 Eduard actually reported the same error occuring in a different case a while ago. I added some notes to the bug report earlier (138510).
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 28, 2017 Right - the first one happens to work in this case, but the second one should work in any case where a comma isn't accepted (and should evaluate to the correct string).
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 28, 2017 That isn't valid XML - I think it'd need to be: <Var Name="AddClassesErrors" Value="",5202,5373,"" /> The " makes it smarter about it being one string, and the extra commas should make it work with the test condition in %Installer.Install:Import: ((","_pIgnoreErrors_",")[(","_$P($system.Status.GetErrorCodes(tSC),",")_",")) This is messy! EDIT: Better option: <Var Name="AddClassesErrors" Value="#{"5202,5373"}" />
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 28, 2017 This just looks like a bug - the generated code is: Do tInstaller.Import(tNSName,tInstaller.Evaluate("${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml"),"ck","5202","5373","0") While you would expect: Do tInstaller.Import(tNSName,tInstaller.Evaluate("${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml"),"ck","5202,5373","0") Here's a possible workaround (untested, but the generated code looks better): <Var Name="AddClassesErrors" Value="5202,5373" /> <If Condition='#{##class(%File).Exists("${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml")}'> <Import File="${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml" IgnoreErrors="${AddClassesErrors}" Flags="ck" /> </If> EDIT: actual workaround (see discussion below) is to use #{<COS_expression>} (see documentation). <Var Name="AddClassesErrors" Value="#{"5202,5373"}" /> <If Condition='#{##class(%File).Exists("${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml")}'> <Import File="${AddonDir}/AddClasses.xml" IgnoreErrors="${AddClassesErrors}" Flags="ck" /> </If>
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 24, 2017 Also, if I plug: do ##class(App.Use2).Test() into the original code sample, I see App.Use:Test+1 in the Location property of the exception. How are you ending up with App.Use2:Test+1?
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 24, 2017 Yes - this is in the compiled class metadata. $$$comMemberKeyGet("App.Use2",$$$cCLASSmethod,"Test",$$$cMETHorigin) Or see the Origin property in %Dictionary.CompiledMethod (same for other class members as well).
go to post Timothy Leavitt · Mar 15, 2017 %Library.Routine:Delete with flag = 2 (see class reference) seems to do the trick: Set status = ##class(%Library.Routine).Delete("<name of routine including extension>",2)