We have solution which uses IRIS with IAM and webgateway integrated.

After integration, we notice that in the kong configuration in the kongdb upstreams are not created as listed in the kong.yml

We noticed that, IAM api calls are failing with enterprise license expired.

[kong@iam-deployment-75f485954c-ssdfv /]$ curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8001/services/'
{"message":"Enterprise license missing or expired"}

From Logs:

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone already dealt with this issue:
"System has been suspended for over X seconds, exceeding the maximum duration specified. Allowing system activity to resume. Any ongoing backup has presumably failed. Next InterSystems IRIS backup must be a full one"

our backup system "Commvault" is automatic, how do you tell it once you get this message that the next backup should be full?



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I am currently using IKO 3.6 to deploy an irisCluster on EKS, but I am facing some challenges. Firstly, I need assistance in understanding how to connect to the Web Gateway sidecar. If anyone has experience with this, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice you can offer. Secondly, I am trying to utilize the 'seed: path' options of irisDatabases, but I am unsure of the best approach. If anyone has successfully implemented this feature, I would love to hear about your approach and any insights you can provide. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

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