In healthcare,interoperability is the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged.
Hello, I want to create PDF from HTML source. I found pandoc. I installed pandoc on IRIS container image. I created Interoperability production. I have setup REST service to receive HTML file in request body. I call pandoc command pandoc -o output.pdf input.html from a BPL process. I copy output.pdf file stream into response body. I save the response at the source. I get a file named output.pdf but it does not load in Acrobat. I suspect I am doing something wrong with headers (accept-encoding?) or maybe do I need to base64 encode the pdf file to transfer it via REST?
On one of my team's systems, we utilize a business operation with the EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to make SQL queries to another IRIS system using JDBC. To authenticate the connection, we utilize a user account on the target system.