· Apr 30 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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It's not clear to me, when using the InterSystems Container Repository, which version is the best / most recent non-preview Community Edition version to use.

I see lots of 2023.2.x versions, a single 2023.3 and 2024.1 version, but also a latest-cd and latest-em (with no explanation as to what cd and em mean).

I assume the trick is to use one of the latest-xx ones? If so, which?

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any explanatory information anywhere about the nomenclature conventions used.

Many thanks

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Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Container Lifecycle - When is Your App Ready to Accept Work @ Global Summit 2023
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