· Jul 28, 2020


Hello for everyone.


We recently started our migration to the cloud.

We left a unix environment for a Windows 2016 environment and everything seems normal except for the error ( <ZSOAP> zInvokeClient + 208 ^% SOAP.WebClient.1 ) when we try to consume a web service. In fact, any webservice.
The classes have been exported and recompiled but do not work.
Apparently by the complements of the error DO $ System.OBJ.DisplayError () (ERROR # 6246: There was no response to the SOAP request) or the $ system.Status.DecomposeStatus (% objlasterror, .erro) shows the following:

err = 1
err (1) = "ERROR # 6246: There was no response to the SOAP request."
err (1, "caller") = "zDoSOAPRequest + 103 ^% SOAP.WebClient.1"
err (1, "code") = 6246
err (1, "dcode") = 6246
err (1, "domain") = "% ObjectErrors"
err (1, "namespace") = "zxzxzxzx" <--edited
err (1, "stop") = 0
err (1, "stack") = "* e ^ zDoSOAPRequest + 103 ^% SOAP.WebClient.1 ^ 2 / e ^ zSOAPRequestResponse + 22 ^% SOAP.WebClient.1 ^ 1) and ^ zInvokeClient + 112 ^% SOAP. WebClient.1 ^ 1; d ^ zInvoke + 2 ^ AVERBAATMSEGURO.ATMWebSvrPort.averbaCTe20.1 ^ 14e ^ zaverbaCTe20 + 1 ^ AVERBAATMSEGURO.ATMWebSvrPort.1 ^ 1 e ^ EOT1 + 30 ^% SEGATM001AA ^ 1d ^^^ 0 "

I would like to thank in advance any help
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Hi Marcio,

Are you trying to connect to a Cache Web Service from outside application? Or are you using Cache Web Client/Web Service pair to communicate between Cache Servers? 

In general, this error means that your Web Service is not responding. Is it listening on a specific port? Are you trying to connect to that port and is this port not blocked by the Windows Firewall or any other software that may be occupying it?

In addition to these questions, you can activate SOAP Logging on your Server and/or Client machine (I would start with the Server since we already see the error on the Client). You can do this in a Cache Terminal:

YOURNAMESPACE> Set ^ISCSOAP("LogFile") = "C:\temp\SOAP.log" (can be any directory)


After you try to hit you Web Service, the log file will be created.

When you are done troubleshooting, don't forget to turn off the log:


so that your file system would not fill up.

Good luck!