· Jun 13, 2021

Why has my article been removed?

Hello there community, 

I recently posted an article regarding a technological aspects that could boost the internet speeds of every individual/s personal work station in the given situation of the pandemic. 

But, unfortunately my article is not published and I see it under draft. 

Is there a particular reason for this please?

Have I missed something that needs to be followed? 

Is that why the article that was published is now under the draft section? 

I would like to know more on this please. 


Discussion (2)1
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Hi @A.R.N. H Hafeel!

DC moderators delisted it.

Indeed, you published not the article but the invitation to read the article about internet speed up - a completely irrelevant topic to the forum (which is allowed in rare cases though) - with the article in an attached file. Why not posting the article directly here? Is it fishing?

What would your choice if you were DC moderator? ;)