· Jun 21, 2022

Social meetup in Seattle with VS Code core team members from Microsoft

Many Developer Community members are probably already aware of the growing popularity of Visual Studio Code. Its architecture allows extensions to enhance the core product, so over the past few years individual DC members, partner companies such as George James Software, and InterSystems themselves have built some. As a result VS Code is now the recommended code editor for InterSystems platforms.
VS Code is built from an open source project run by Microsoft and hosted on GitHub. I myself have contributed PRs to it. Some of the Microsoft developers dedicated to the project are located in Seattle, so with Global Summit happening there this week I decided to arrange an informal meetup with them.
It's happening on Thursday June 23rd from 5pm to 7pm at Tapster, less than a mile's walk from the conference hotel. So whether you're a VS Code user, a seasoned or wannabe extension developer, or simply fancy tapping your own glass of craft beverage, join us there to toast the VS Code developers and the amazing work they do. Non-alcoholic options are also available, as are bartenders to fill your glass if you prefer it done that way.
If you have questions about the event, either post them here or call by at our table in the Partner Pavilion.
John Murray
Senior Product Engineer
George James Software
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