· Nov 1, 2023

set Property name


we have a rest API that that on of the JSON object contain Property name "verify.facePosition"

we try to translate the JSON file to object with the function ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject()

how can we define the Property to "verify.facePosition" As %Boolean in the class ? 

i know that with underscore i can define the property with quotation marks like this - Property "verify_facePosition" As %Boolean

thanks for the help 

Product version: Caché 2016.1
Discussion (4)3
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Ok, using Rest Api I'm posting a request and getting an answer According to the data I posted. for example the request body looks like that:








The class Properties looks like that:


Property id As %Integer [ Required ];

Property firstName As  %String [ Required ];

Property lastName As  %String [ Required ];


And in the response I'm getting the details about this client. So far so good.


So now I need to send the request body like that:









And I can't write properties with a dot:


Property As %Integer [ Required ];

Property client.firstName As  %String [ Required ];

Property client. lastName As  %String [ Required ];


How can I fix this?