· Jun 28, 2019

Send soap request


I have a problem with sending soap request.

I get wsdl . The wsdl class bellow

Class Data.SOAP.PrinServ.NotificationRequest Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor) [ ClassType = "", CompileAfter = Data.SOAP.PrinServ.Lang, Inheritance = right, ProcedureBlock ]


Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

Parameter XMLNAME = "NotificationRequest";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property IIN As %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLNAME = "IIN");

Property AccountList As list Of %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLITEMNAME = "string", XMLNAME = "AccountList", XMLPROJECTION = "COLLECTION");


The code:
s rq=##class(Data.SOAP.PrinServ.PrintPdfSoap).%New()
set BaseInfo=##class(Data.SOAP.PrinServ.NotificationRequest).%New()
s BaseInfo.IIN=IIN



s rp=##class(Data.SOAP.PrinServ1.PrintResponse).%New()
s rp=rq.PrintNotification(BaseInfo)

my request is missing tag  <string xsi:type="s:string">TESTKZ</string>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:s=''>
        <PrintNotification xmlns="">
            <Request xmlns:s01="" xsi:type="s01:NotificationRequest">
                <IIN xsi:type="s:string">1234567910</IIN>
                <AccountList xsi:type="s:string">TESTKZ</AccountList>

The correct request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:s=''>
        <PrintNotification xmlns="">
            <Request xmlns:s01="" xsi:type="s01:NotificationRequest">
                <IIN xsi:type="s:string">1234567910</IIN>
                    <string xsi:type="s:string">TESTKZ</string>

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should separate your items.

from docs:

Effect of XMLPROJECTION on Collection Properties

Value of XMLPROJECTIONEffect on Collection Properties
"WRAPPED"The property is projected as an element with subelements; each subelement corresponds to an item of the collection. This is the default for collection properties.
"ELEMENT"Each item in the collection is projected as an element, without being wrapped in the parent property.