· Jun 21, 2023

Need help with git-source-control setup in IRIS

Hi everyone, 
I am new to "git-source-control", what i am doing so far will explain you in few steps.
1. installed git-source-control into a namsapace TEST using ZPM "install git-source-control"
2. configure the git settings and created a new mapping for as such 


3. Now when I am trying to ADD a new file which is created for eg - NewFolder/impl.cls , getting an error like this

exporting new version of NewFolder.impl.cls to /Users/abc/workspace/NewFolder/impl.cls


No mapping with a matching path found for file NewFolder/impl.cls

ERROR #5001: Create Directory failed: _err
Here workspace is my git repo that I cloned and imported into IRIS. Now I am working on IRIS server to create REST API using Spec first approach. 
What I want is, It should add my file into a NewFolder structure into my workspace git repo so that I can push it.

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
Discussion (4)3
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@Gautam Rishi some things that would be helpful / might be worth looking into:

  • Does the user IRIS runs as (most likely irisusr) have access to /Users/abc/workspace? If not I'd imagine all sorts of things could go wrong. (And git-source-control could be more helpful by making the root cause more obvious.)
  • Where specifically is the error coming from?
    • The error #5001 / message there doesn't seem to be in the git-source-control codebase, at least that I can find.
    • If you set ^%oddENV("callererrorinfo")=2 it'll typically put the full stack trace in the error message. Just be sure to kill ^%oddENV("callererrorinfo") later so you don't keep getting it because it's noisy/annoying if you don't need it.
  • What IRIS version are you running? (write $zv)

In general, feel free to file a GitHub issue at

I'm not a Mac user myself, but my first thought would just be to move the "workspace" folder somewhere else (e.g., under the database install root) that would inherently have the correct permissions, and chown appropriately.

You can double check which user IRIS is running as with something like:

ps aux | grep irisdb | grep SuperServer | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1