· Nov 3, 2021

InterSystems Open Exchange October 2021 Digest

Hey Developers! Here is a digest of new solutions and applications submitted to the InterSystems Open Exchange in October 2021.
General stats:
20 new apps
528 published apps in total
540 downloads in October
1387 developers joined

New applications (20)
LabResultsVerification-hl7 by Muhammad Waseem
HL7 App to update reference range and find critical results
PEX Adapter to execute SQL into Hadoop Big Data repositories
CSV to M$-OFX by Robert Cemper
Collect CSV downloaded from your bank and transform it into OFX format (by M$) to feed MS-Money aka. Sunrise
interoperability-for-money by Oliver Wilms
Interoperability solution with two IRIS containers
iris-crypto-tracker by Evgeniy Potapov
Tracking Crypto currency levels and alerts about ups and downs.
Node-RED node for InterSystems IRIS by Dmitry Maslennikov
Node-RED node for InterSystems IRIS
Git for Shared Development Environments by Timothy Leavitt
Server-side Git source control hooks for shared dev environments
appmsw-telealerts by Sergey Mikhailenko
Products for informing and notifying via telegram messenger and email
Facilities Management Support Desk by Andre Wessels
Facilities and equipment management
Dataset OEX reviews by Robert Cemper
Statistics on reviews in OEX
Dataset Lightweight M:N by Robert Cemper
example of M:N relation between 2 tables
FemPower by Jayit Saha
Ensuring Women Health by analyzing and storing data on IRIS
iris-readonly-interop by Guillaume Rongier
Read Only Role for Interoperability
Pension Fund membership administration by Andre Wessels
Membership administration and self-help
fhir-scraper by Guillaume Rongier
A simple python script to copy/scrap/crawl a FHIR repository.
SAML-COS by David González Buisán
SAML2.0 Token for Catalan HealthCare Autorities from InterSystems IRIS ObjectScript
QuWiki by Martin Braun
Digitalized ordering with Kanban Boards using RFID
Veromo Pty Ltd by Jenny Joseph
Veromo is a smart online business registration service.
zpmhub by Sergei Shutov Managed hosting for ZPM packages by Banksia Global
Defero by Terry Byrne
Advanced Text Message solution for healthcare providers.
New releases (17)
Config-API by Lorenzo Scalese

Fix missing return value on error : class Api.Config.Services.SYS.MirrorMaster

PKI-Script by Lorenzo Scalese

Add a quick way to perform certificate steps for mirroring setup.

IO-Redirect by Lorenzo Scalese

Added feature

Echo to the current device

Echo feature allows redirecting the output AND duplicates the write to the current device. For example, in a terminal :

Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToString(1)
Write "this an echo test"
Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).RestoreIO()
Set outputString = ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).Get()
Write "Var outputString : ", outputString

Redirect the write to a string variable and also write the text in the terminal. This feature is available with :

  • Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToString(1)
  • Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToStream(stream, 1)
  • Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToFileCharacter(filename, 1)
  • Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToGlobal($Name(^||IORedirect), 1)

Echo is enabled with the value 1 on the last argument.

  • Fix a bad variable name for the mnemo --> see commit

Serenji by John Murray
  • Accept TLSv1 so debugging is possible on InterSystems versions that do not support TLSv1.2.
  • Handle WRITE output during debugging on older InterSystems versions.
  • Populate breadcrumb and outline based on chosen language mode rather than filename extension.
  • Improve GettingStarted documentation after user feedback.

apptools-admin by Sergey Mikhailenko

A service has been added to the project to support informing via telegram messenger and email about the status of products and systems


updated dockerfile

IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

Our approach to creating a Visual Trace as a UML Sequence Diagram.

  • using new message diagram in main app
  • handle namespace selection in message diagram

New article

Visual Trace and the freedom of choice

New environment to test the app Demo enabled

Fix deploy for ZPM


Youtube video added

DeepSeeWeb by Anton Gnibeda


  • added support for value formatting for tooltipProperty (#222)
  • for map widget added ability to apply styles from parent window using postMessage:
  // hide map controls
  iframe.postMessage({ type: 'map.applyStyle', selector: '.ol-control', style: 'display', value:'none' });
  • added documentation about applying styles to shared map widget from parent window
  • added support for value formatting for popupProperty


  • map widget settings changed from widget properties to data properties(because new mdx2json)
  • colorFormula now taken from data properties and can define formula in a css way to calculate color of polygon:
    • default is hsl((255-x)/255 * 120, 100%, 50%)
    • rgb color also can be used, because it is valid in css: rgb(0, x, 0)
    • x - relative data value from 0(minimum value) to 255(maximum value)
    • e.g. for blue range of colors(on HUE it is 193-235), formula will be: hsl(193 + x/255 * (235 - 193), 100%, 50%)

Kano MDM by Ludmila Valerko

Made improvements and additions in Kano MDM modules. * Changed the design (visual display) of deleted entities in the fields of the system.

From the new functionality, the following should be highlighted: 1. Improved email notifications: * Added ability to send mail notifications not only to the user to whom rights are delegated but also to the user whose rights have been delegated. 2. “Requests” module: * Added ability to monitor requests that have been executed. * Added an option to copy requests. 3. Introduced a new type of field, which allows linking two catalogs by type of relationship. In this way, when selecting a record in a catalog, the system automatically shows it in the related catalog, but with the option to view it only. 4. Implemented a new module "Import templates", to create templates for data import from file. Added the support of xlsx format. 5. “Analytics” module - implemented the GeoJSON support to display data geographically.

DbVisualizer by Sandra Bjarevall

12.1 released on 2021-07-13
Database Profile Enable database profiles in DbVisualizer Free Filtering/Filter Sets
The objects filtering grid should allow re-arranging rows with DnD and new move actions in the right-click menu General
Add new startup dialog for DbVisualizer Free users Add new Help->Welcome screen to guide new (and current) users Provide a demo database with DbVisualizer Grid Component
Support multi line selection and move rows with DnD and actions in grid columns chooser dialog and also in database objects filter panel OS Support Windows
Native window decorations and embedded menu bar in Windows 10 OS Support: Windows
Theme: FlatLaf Add setting to control the embedded toolbar in Windows 10+ OS Support: Windows
Theme: FlatLaf Tool Properties
Allow setting application font (in addition to the existing grid and editor fonts) SQL Formatter
Separate format settings for SELECT and DECODE Scripts
Add capability to mount any directory in the Scripts tab See the discussion here Theme
Remove the optional theme selector dialog at startup and the "Ask at Startup" checkbox in the Appearance tool property pane Theme: FlatLaf
Improve visibility of tab label in dark them using custom background color Compare
Support compare for explain output in text format DB Support: Azure SQL
Add support for MFA (ActiveDirectoryInteractive) authentication

Bugs Fixed
DB Support: PostgreSQL RULE objects are not shown for Tables in PostgreSQL Compare Compare grid ignores differences DB Support: MySQL Data tab Data changed in a SQL commander is not visible in the Data Tab DB Support: PostgreSQL DDL Generator Some data views are unavailable when in evaluation mode Data tab The visibility of the Data tab filter pane is not preserved at restart Database Profile: View DataView could not be created for viewer='xxx'! DB Support: MySQL The default useSSL=false driver property is converted by driver to useSSL=true if not explicitly set to false as a parameter at connect DB Support: Oracle Stopping an execution in Oracle closes the connection DB Support: Oracle Database Objects Tree When cancelling a database query in a DataView grid, connection may close DB Support: Redshift Upgrade the Redshift driver to version Export Export in XLSX to an existing read-only file doesn't show any error "The workbook already contains a sheet named X" error when export in Excel format Export/Import User Settings Trying to import an invalid file such as Excel in File->Import User Settings results in an error OS Support: Windows IllegalStateException: Stopwatch already started SQL Commander Reload in the result set tab and then stop while fetching results, yields in no partial result set being displayed SQL Formatter Formatting function in SQL editor will alter SQL statements making them incorrect Cell Viewer/Editor DEVENV Java 11 OS Support: Windows Cursor problem in Cell Editor DB Support: Exasol DB Support: Vertica Query Builder Autojoin fails to join on FK/PK in Exasol and Vertica Export Some files created with "Save as Default" in the export object features are not handled in export/import settings Query Builder The elements to JOIN cannot be identified error Connection Setup Message when Ping Server is not supported needs to be improved Connection Setup DB Support: Greenplum DB Support: PostgreSQL DB Support: Redshift DB Support: Yellowbrick .pgpass file is not properly reading escaped tokens Unclear error message when unable to read .pgpass DB Support: Oracle Change Password for Oracle is broken since clicking it doesn't show the field for New Password DB Support: PostgreSQL Search path is not set when running Explain plan Importing to new table with "drop existing table" enabled, fails if there is no existing table DB Support: Snowflake DDL Generator View definition is not visible Import Selecting data type BLOB/CLOB in import table data prevents it from being changed Some settings are not loaded from import settings file SQL Commander Error opening right-click menu in new SQL Commander tab SSH SSH config file parsing is case sensitive

ESKLP by Aleksandr Kalinin

Added description for logistic regression calcilation

Top 10 downloads of the month

Top 10 downloads of all time

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