· Jun 6, 2019

InterSystems Open Exchange Digest, May 2019

Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in May 2019

New Applications

Background Jobs over ECP published by @Robert Cemper

An internal variant of a PIPE

Simple Remote Server Control published by @Robert Cemper

Simple monitoring of several servers at a lightweight level

iris-nodejs-101  published by @David Reche 

This application demo a REST API build in node.js able to receive HTTP GET, POST and DELETE of custom JSON 

Sea Battle  published by @Evgeny Shvarov

Simple terminal game an approach to "Sea Battle". Example of simple ObjectScript method calls and terminal interaction The code is an ObjectScript remake of Python example in CodeAcademy

PHP-module for Caché published by @Sergey Kamenev 

This is PHP-module for InterSystems Caché. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

PHP-module for IRIS published by  @Sergey Kamenev 

This is PHP-module for InterSystems IRIS. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running IRIS or Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

TSQL Checkers v.1.0.0 published by @Anton Umnikov 

Demonstration of TSQL support in InterSystems IRIS. Checkers game

isclib v.2.1.0 published by @Kyle Michel 

Go library for interacting with InterSystems Corporation products like Cache and Ensemble<--break->


​​​​​​General stats

Total applications: 131

Downloads  monthly:

The most popular apps in May 2019 by downloads:

And submit your apps on InterSystems Data Platforms to Open Exchange!

Read the web version of the digest

Also check Open Exchange April 2019 digest