InterSystems Official
· Jan 18, 2024 2m read

How to install Apache on IRIS supported operating systems

For your convenience InterSystems is posting the typical install steps for the operating systems that are supported with InterSystems IRIS.

For Microsoft Windows, please consult the InterSystems product documentation.

The IRIS installer will detect if a web server is installed on the same machine, which gives you the option to automatically have the web server configured.

All Apache installations will require sudo (recommended) or root permission to install the web server. This requirement supports recommended best practices. 

For Red Hat (RHEL), InterSystems is installing SELinux files to support connections via http or https (if configured).

Optionally the Scripts provide instructions on how to turn the installation steps into an executable file. (The file name is just a recommendation.)


InterSystems offers three videos ( and a podcast ( to provide additional information and watch examples of the experience.

We hope you will find the new process quickly easy and straight forward. Changing the procedure was not an easy decision, but often requested by customers and in line with best practices.

Once you switched away from the Private Web Server It is probably as easy as installing apps on your mobile device.


Installation instructions

Script File for Ubuntu

# install or update apache2

sudo apt install apache2 -y

# will enable and start httpd
sudo service apache2 start --now

apache2 -v

Script File for RedHat

# install or update httpd
sudo dnf install httpd -y

# will enable and start httpd
sudo systemctl enable --now httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd

httpd -v 

# Confirm the SELinux status (which should be enforced)

Script File for AIX

# install or update httpd
sudo yum install httpd -y

# will start httpd

sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

httpd -v


Script File for SUSE

# install or update apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

# will enable and start apache2
sudo systemctl restart apache2

systemctl status apache2

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