Discussion (4)1
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Isn't it easier to use the built function StringMin, especially when its the code does exactly the same thing?

USER>w $length(##class(%PopulateUtils).StringMin(100,100))

Source code:

ClassMethod StringMin(
  minlen As %Integer 1,
  maxlen As %Integer 1As %String ProcedureBlock = 1 ]
 if maxlen '< minlen {
   set len=$$$PRand(maxlen-minlen+1)+minlen,
   for i=1:1:len {
     Set charn=$s($$$PRand(2):$$$PRand(26)+65,1:$$$PRand(26)+97),
         string=string_$s(charn<123:$c(charn),1:" ")
   quit string
 else quit "" }

To many time later, anyway for keep reference

Set string = ""
Set length = 256
For i=1:1:length {
    Set Up = $random(2)
    Set tNum = $random(28)
    If (tNum = 26) {
        Set tChar = "-"
    }elseif (tNum = 27) {
        Set tChar = "_"
    } Else {
        If Up {
            // Upper case range
            Set tChar = $CHAR(tNum+65)
        } Else {
            // Lower case range
            Set tChar = $CHAR(tNum+97)
    Set string = string _ tChar