· Sep 23, 2017

How can I run a test suite within Atelier

I have created a Atelier run configuration to  start the unit test manager with the method DebugRunTestCase. 

In the run configuration it is possible to add arguments. 
In the list of arguments I want to put the select class file as argument.

How can this be achieved?

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You can enter the arguments to pass into a Run/Debug Configuration here:

I'm not sure what you mean by the "select class file" that you are trying to pass in. Here is the method signature for %UnitTest.Manager/DebugRunTestCase:

ClassMethod DebugRunTestCase(testsuite As %String = "", testcase As %String = "", qspec As %String = "", testmethod As %String = "", ByRef userparam) As %Status

Which parameter are you trying to pass in?