· Jan 23, 2019

How can i connect to a server with Terminal(not through telnet)

 hi, everybody!

i wanna connect to a remote server  through Terminal.  

after i add a server in [Preferred Server] and click the  server name(  [Remote System Access]->[Terminal] -> server name) 

i got an Error dialog telling me that:

Failed to establish security context.

Reason:(-2146893042, 0x8009030e)No credentials are available in the security package

so do i miss some configuration?  

Grateful for your help!

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If your server on windows, you have two connection options. 

  • Terminal. Available only locally, and can use windows security. Enabled by default.
  • Telnet. Used to connect from outside. Disabled by default (you can activate this service in SMP.). After enabling, you can connect using terminal or any other tool by default port 22.

If your server on Linux. You have only one option is csession or irissession tool which works only locally to the server. For remote access you should use ssh or telnet. But you can't configure telnet from Cache. You should do it by yourself.

well, i install a server on a virtual machine , and  a client on my PC, both are windows operation system.

i wanna  write an application to parse communicating packet between client and  Cache server, 

so i wanna know how many kinds of  connection between client and server.

my current environment  includes  a DbVisualizer as client and a virtual machine as remote database server,

you know i can only access my  database server  with SQL statement,

but i hope i can call my code on the database server  remotely, so what should i do to achieve it ?

Sounds quite strange, why do you need to parse the connection? DbVisualizer works through JDBC, but there you limited only with SQL. If you would write own application which will work over JDBC, you will get more options. But JDBC is just only one option for remote access. You can find more options in the documentation, in different languages.

Sorry, i didnot make it clear.

i mean i need to parse the packets sent and received in the connection between client and server to know what operations are executed on the server machine. 

the application does not operate the database, but audit the operation to give a warning when it find any dangeous operation,  just like wireshark, but the app will record the operations and show to the database administrator.