· Nov 9, 2016

High level explanation of how you would "attach" nondiscrete documents to a patient record?

I am looking for a general overview of how you would attach a document to a patient record in healthshare.  For instance, an Advance Directive or Living Will.


Here are some starter questions:

  1. What format is required, if any?  Can it be a PDF or DOC?
  2. How can/should it be submitted?  HL7? XDS.b?  Embedded in a CCD?

Sorry for the open endedness.  Any info would be helpful while I research this.

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Hi Scott,

One way you could do this is via an MDM^T02 HL7 message.  There is actually an example message containing a PDF document distributed with HealthShare: <install-directory>\Data\Scenario_4.hl7

The document data is encapsulated in a series of OBX segments:


The critical pieces of this are:

OBX-2: Must be "ED" for "Encapsulated Data"

OBX-5.3: Must be the file type.  In this case it's "PDF".  If you want to view this document in the HealthShare Clinical Viewer, then you can find a list of supported doc types at websys.Document:ValidTypes in the Access Gateway namespace.

OBX-5.4: Must be "Base64" if the data is base64-encoded, otherwise it can be left blank.

OBX-5.5: The document data

