· Feb 21, 2016

February 20th Release of Developer Community - Release Notes

We released another set of improvements this week and will continue pushing out fixes and features in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you for using the InterSystems Developer Community and please continue providing feedback.

Release Notes:

  1. On the home page "Trending Topics" has been replaced by "Browse by Tag" which allows you to view content by tag.  The top 12 tags are displayed by the count of articles posted with that tag. A full list of tags and counts can be seen by clicking More.
  2. Viewing content by tag (i.e. now features "Subscribe with RSS" which allows you to track all content in Developer Community by tag in the RSS reader of your choice. Please let us know how this is working for you.
  3. Additional enhancements to content posting and editing have been made.
    • The editor selection dropdown is back, but this time it offers two choices (1) WYSIWYG and (2) Plain Text (Supports Markdown). You can now choose the Plain Text editor and paste in Markdown from the editor of your choice.
    • A new "One-Click Upload" button is available in the WYSIWYG editor. This button allows you to easily insert images inline during your editing session.
  4. A new content sharing option allows you to share content with anyone using email
Discussion (8)0
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RSS feed by tag works in Thunderbird. Main RSS feed still shows as invalid.

Some thoughts about email integration:

  1. Replace the icon with a simple envelope icon - which  is more recognizable. I can easily recognize the first three icons, but the last one I incorrectly accociate with msn logo
  2. After clicking on a "share via email bullton" I'm being redirected to a new page where I can send a message from I think you  can raise convertion by using a simple mailto link (so default mail client pops up with a predefined topic and message instead of the new page) - so the person sharing the post can share from his own email account.

Thanks for the updates!   I think the changes to the editor are a nice compromise.  I still don't think the dropdown to choose plain text is necessary, but at least it's not too intrusive anymore.

Please put breadcrumbs high on your priority list.  I really miss easily being able to navigate back to the forum/group/comminity list I was viewing.

On the editor and the dropdown editor selection, we found that to be necessary to support Markdown. The HTML editor can process Markdown itself but we found in testing that the parser gets interrupted by things like page validation in the case of the user not inputting a required field, plus in other scenarios such as editing the page the Markdown processor wasn't being invoked as expected and the raw Markdown was being saved unprocessed. We may revisit this in the future but the Plain Text option in the dropdown was the most reliable thing to offer now.