· Nov 8, 2017

Exporting HL7 message browser custom filters


Hi Developer community

Does anyone know where the custom message filters for the message browser live? You can load and save by name and existing filters appear in a list.  I want to export them from an existing production and import then into a new one.

Thanks in advance


Discussion (3)1
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In the good ol' sensible fashion of computers there are a number of ways to do this, including building something in an Ensemble production to send these out, by monkeying around with the Namespace Global Mappings, etc.  However, the following will most likely answer your question ... with 3 answers.  Enjoy! smiley

Via SQL:

EnsPortal_MsgFilter.SavedSearch if you are using SQL, or if you want to move the data you will probably have to copy the global it produces.  If you want to move it, you can create the appropriate update statements with the data in this table and move it to another place. 


<Warning>  For these next options, you will need to understand that this will overwrite what is in your target namespace.  So if you have any created in the target namespace you might want to go back to "Via SQL" as your best option.  Not to mention there is no undelete if you use one of the next two options.  If you are working on a production system even if you know what you are doing, you might want to add a step of saving off the target namespace's global before overwriting with the new. </Warning>

Via the SMP:

Go to System -> Globals and change your namespace to the source namespace.  Find the global named ^EnsPortal.SavedSearchD ... I did not misspell that, I assure you.  you can use the global filter of EnsPortal* to drastically shorten the length of the results to look through.  Once you find it, you need to select the check box to the left of the name, then click Export.  Next, on the same screen in the SMP, change your namespace to the target namespace.  Now click the Import button and select the file you created.

Via the Console (advanced):

NOTE:  If you do not know what the console is or how to change namespaces, you probably want to resort to one of the methods above.  Also, be very, very careful and do not GI when you meant to GO, if you know what I'm saying ... if you do not know what I'm saying, just ignore all this like your never read it.  I even made them a lighter font so  if you squint your eyes you will probably not even see this.

If you go into console, get into the source namespace and run:


(Global Output) to output to a file of your choosing the actual global containing this information.  Global name is ^EnsPortal.SavedSearchD ... I still, did not misspell that.  Make sure you make note of the file location you choose.  , then run: 


(Global Import) to import the global in the file you created.