· Jan 3

In DTL how to send a ROL segment in the target A08 message that contains no ROL segment in the source

Our target system requires a blank ROL segment whenever the ROL segment does not exist in an A08 from our source system.  I'm not sure if this can be done with the DTL gui tools or if some sql or other code is required (coding is not in my wheelhouse).  Here is what I've tried, but this does not yield the "ROL|1|" I'd like to create.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Here is the input message that I'd like to add the ROL segment to:

PV1|1|I|MORT^5067^W^MWH|UR|||006742^SZLYK^GREGORY^R^^^^^PROVID^^^^PROVID|||General Med||||Hospital|||006742^SZLYK^GREGORY^R^^^^^PROVID^^^^PROVID||1001001073631|||||||||||||||||||||||||20180509144724

This is the Output result of the TEST TRANSFORM

I'd like to see the following after PV2 segment:


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