· Mar 26, 2020

Correct way to set a value into a list?



We have a tranformation where we would like to convert a date from the following format:

"'dd/mm/yyyy' 'hh:mm'" (double quotes are just visual to indicate this is a string)

to date and time separated:

date: dd/mm/yyyy

time: hh:mm


We have already splitted the datetime into date and hour as follows:


  set fechaHora = source.result.GetAt(indice).fechaHora
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHora: "_fechaHora)
  set fechaHoraSinComillas = $replace(fechaHora,"'","")
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHoraSinComillas: "_fechaHoraSinComillas)  
  set fecha = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ")
  $$$LOGINFO("fecha: "_fecha)
  set hora = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ",2)
  $$$LOGINFO("hora: "_hora)


We would like to assign fecha (date) and hora (hour), each one, to a variable inside a list, called datos (data)



We have done it using two assigns as follows:

<transform sourceClass='Mensajes.Response.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitaEspecializadaResponse' targetClass='Mensajes.Response.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitasResponse' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<foreach property='source.result()' key='indice' >
  set fechaHora = source.result.GetAt(indice).fechaHora
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHora: "_fechaHora)
  set fechaHoraSinComillas = $replace(fechaHora,"'","")
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHoraSinComillas: "_fechaHoraSinComillas)
  set fecha = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ")
  $$$LOGINFO("fecha: "_fecha)
  set hora = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ",2)
  $$$LOGINFO("hora: "_hora)
<assign value='fecha' property='target.datos.(indice).fecha' action='set' />
<assign value='hora' property='target.datos.(indice).hora' action='set' />
  $$$LOGINFO("Nueva fecha: "_target.datos.GetAt(indice).fecha)
  $$$LOGINFO("Nueva hora: "_target.datos.GetAt(indice).hora)]]></code>


And we check in the Production that the logs output what is expected:

Nueva fecha: 31/03/2020  

Nueva hora: 08:26  



However, how could we replace those two assigns which put fecha and hora into the variables inside the datos list; to use custom code?


We have already tried:


  set fechaHora = source.result.GetAt(indice).fechaHora
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHora: "_fechaHora)
  set fechaHoraSinComillas = $replace(fechaHora,"'","")
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHoraSinComillas: "_fechaHoraSinComillas)  
  set fecha = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ")
  $$$LOGINFO("fecha: "_fecha)
  set hora = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ",2)
  $$$LOGINFO("hora: "_hora)
  do target.datos.InsertAt(fecha,indice).fecha
  do target.datos.InsertAt(hora,indice).hora


Being the output:


ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <SYNTAX>zTransform+19^Transformaciones.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitasEspecializadaToConsultaCitas.1 -- logged as '-' number - @' do target.datos.InsertAt(fecha,indice).fecha'


In addition we have also tried:

  set fechaHora = source.result.GetAt(indice).fechaHora
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHora: "_fechaHora)
  set fechaHoraSinComillas = $replace(fechaHora,"'","")
  $$$LOGINFO("fechaHoraSinComillas: "_fechaHoraSinComillas)  
  set fecha = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ")
  $$$LOGINFO("fecha: "_fecha)
  set hora = $piece(fechaHoraSinComillas," ",2)
  $$$LOGINFO("hora: "_hora)

  set target.datos.GetAt(indice).fecha = fecha
  set target.datos.GetAt(indice).hora = hora



Being the output:


ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <INVALID OREF>zTransform+23^Transformaciones.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitasEspecializadaToConsultaCitas.1 -- logged as '-' number - @' set target.datos.GetAt(indice).fecha = fecha'
Could you help us?



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Yone, what is the data type of the property "datos" in Mensajes.Response.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitasResponse. I assume it's a list of a custom class that has two properties named fecha and hora?

Property datos as List of my.class.dato;

If so, you would do something like this:

set dato=##class(my.class.dato).%New()
set dato.fecha=fecha
set dato.hora=hora
do target.datos.InsertAt(dato,indice)