· Dec 17, 2024

Converting iris stream to python bytes is very slow

I'm trying to use embedded python code that receives an Iris %Stream.GlobalBinary and uses image manipulation library PIL.

Because PIL can't work with IRIS %Stream, I need to convert the image to python bytes.

This process seems to have very bad performance compared to writing to a file and then loading it from a file in python.

Is there a better way to send a stream into python? The conversion code I'm using is below.


def iris_stream_to_bytes(stream):
	s = ""
	while not stream.AtEnd:
		r = stream.Read(1024)
		s += r
	b = bytearray()
	b.extend(map(ord, s))
	return b
Product version: IRIS 2024.2
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.2 (Build 247U) Tue Jul 16 2024 09:57:03 EDT
Discussion (5)1
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Simple test
Stream2BytesArray1 len(r)=25488008 time=.752708 s.
Stream2BytesArray2 len(r)=25488008 time=.14895 s.
Stream2BytesArray3 len(r)=25488008 time=.080003 s.

The numbers speak for themselves.