· Nov 11, 2016

Adding parameter to ZEN dataCombo at runtime from server


I try to programmatically create a parameter for a dataCombo ZEN Component (which is in turn created on the server side at runtime).

Set tParm = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
Set = "pRegion#"_pExamContainerCount, = "pRegion#"_pExamContainerCount

Set tExam = ##class(%ZEN.Component.dataCombo).%New()
Set = "Exam#"_pExamContainerCount, tExam.label = "Untersuchung", tExam.queryClass = "Inventory.ServiceCatalog", tExam.queryName = "QGetExaminations", tExam.showEmpty = "false", tExam.size = "52", tExam.onchange = "zenPage.updateExamDescription(zenThis.getValue());"
//Do tExam.parameters.SetAt(tParm, 1)

// add tExam to page...

Since the parameter need to be added to the Exam dataCombo I tried to use tExam.parameters.SetAt(tParm, 1) which fails at runtime with Error Collection property is not part of the page model.

I am not sure if my approach is correct. Does this anyone before? I would appreaciate any suggestions.

Best regards,


Discussion (2)1
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Hi Sebastian,

Sorry this went unanswered for so long. In case you haven't figured it out yet, one solution is:

    Do tExam.parameters.Insert(tParm)
    Do %page.%AddComponent(tParm)
    Do %page.%AddChild(tExam)

%AddComponent registers the parameter with the page, so you won't get that error. (There might be a better way to do this, but %AddComponent at least seems to work.)

Here's a full example:

Class DC.Demo.DynamicComboPage Extends

Property count As %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

/// This XML block defines the contents of this page.
XData Contents [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<page xmlns="" title="">
<button onclick="zenPage.AddCombo();" caption="Add a Combo Box!" />

Method AddCombo() [ ZenMethod ]
    #dim %page As DC.Demo.DynamicComboPage
    Set ..count = ..count + 1
    Set tParm = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.parameter).%New()
    Set = "parameter_"_..count
    Set = "parameter_"_..count

    Set tExam = ##class(%ZEN.Component.dataCombo).%New()
    Set = "dataCombo_"_..count
    Set tExam.label = "Test"
    Do tExam.parameters.Insert(tParm)
    Do %page.%AddComponent(tParm)
    Do %page.%AddChild(tExam)
