· Sep 1, 2021

Add Z segment to end of message

I am trying to add a custom z-segment to a message.  The Below code does not error out but I also do not get the segment added.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  

Class CDSM.AddFedExID.AddFedExIDProcess Extends Ens.BusinessProcess [ ClassType = persistent, Language = objectscript ]

/// Add "Business Process" or "Business Operation" for the target
Property TargetConfigName As %String; Parameter SETTINGS As %String = "TargetConfigName:Additional";

Method OnRequest(pRequest As EnsLib.HL7.Message, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
#dim newrequest = pRequest.%ConstructClone()
#dim eException As %Exception.AbstractException
#dim tSC       As %Status =$$$OK

    set FedExID = "123456"
    set segcount = newrequest.SegCountGet()
    $$$LOGINFO("segcount "_segcount)

    set newsegpos = segcount +1
    $$$LOGINFO("newsegpos "_newsegpos)
    set zm1str = "ZM1|1|"
    set zm1 = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Segment).ImportFromString(zm1str,.sc,pRequest.Separators)
    set newseg = newrequest.setSegmentByIndex(zm1,newsegpos) SET pRequest = newrequest

#;SET tSC = ..SendRequestSync("HL7FileOperation", newrequest)
SET tSC = ..SendRequestSync(..TargetConfigName, newrequest)
#;return newrequest Quit tSC

Product version: IRIS 2020.4
Discussion (2)1
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Hi Rick,

Maybe no fatal errors, but you should check the status codes in case they contain one.  Couple of (untested) change suggestions below to try first...

set zm1 = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Segment).ImportFromString(zm1str,.sc,pRequest.Separators)

 set newseg = newrequest.setSegmentByIndex(zm1,newsegpos) SET pRequest = newrequest

Thanks Sean!  I was able to trouble shoot and came up with the below code that does add my ZM1 segment.

Method OnRequest(pRequest As EnsLib.HL7.Message, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
#dim newrequest = pRequest.%ConstructClone()
#dim eException As %Exception.AbstractException
#dim tSC       As %Status =$$$OK

   SET FedExID = "123456"
    SET segcount = newrequest.SegCountGet()
    $$$LOGINFO("segcount "_segcount)
    SET newsegpos = segcount +1
    $$$LOGINFO("newsegpos "_newsegpos)
    SET zm1str = "ZM1|1|||||||||||||||||||" _FedExID
    #;SET zm1str = "ZM1|1|||||||||||||||||||" _FedExID _"|"
    SET zm1 = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Segment).ImportFromString(zm1str,.sc,pRequest.Separators)
SET newseg = newrequest.SetSegmentAt(zm1,newsegpos)

SET pRequest = newrequest
#;SET tSC = ..SendRequestSync("HL7FileOperation", newrequest)
SET tSC = ..SendRequestSync(..TargetConfigName, newrequest)
#;return newrequest Quit tSC