· Jan 31

How to troubleshoot VSCode extension? Package not appearing in workspace.

I have VS Code with extensions connected to IRIS for Health. One top-level ObjectScript package is not displayed in the workspace for this namespace. This package exists in the namespace and is visible in SMP. If I create a new class with a different top-level package name (package that didn't previously exist) it will immediately appear in the workspace.

Is there any debug logging I can enable to look for errors or do any other troubleshooting?

Forgot to mention: the missing package is custom, not a system package.

Product version: IRIS 2023.2
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No errors are appearing in the OUTPUT tab.

The package contains only custom classes.

Not sure if this is the right config -- let me know if not. I'm on Linux and this is ".config/Code/Workspaces/1731519734832/workspace.json" The problematic item is irishealth:CVSCCDA.

        "folders": [
                        "name": "irishealth:AUTOMATION",
                        "uri": "isfs://irishealth:automation/"
                        "name": "irishealth:FHIRCONVERSION",
                        "uri": "isfs://irishealth:fhirconversion/"
                        "name": "irishealth:%SYS",
                        "uri": "isfs://irishealth:%sys/"
                        "name": "irishealth:CVSCCDA",
                        "uri": "isfs://irishealth:cvsccda/"