CPU and Memory utilization per namespace and business component
Very much keen if we could gather the per namespace and business component utilization of InterSystems cache server.
For e. I have a PRD server where its CPU utilization is at max all the time and I want to know which namespace and its business process (service/Operation/Process) is utilizing what number of CPU and memory.
** I can get the CPU and Memory utilization per Cache.exe and PID, but not able to get the Namespace and ConfiguratioName to which that particular PID belongs.
Thank you,
Product version: Caché 2018.1
Hello Frank,
You can correlate the pid in O/S with the pid in Cache processes (in management portal). there you can see which namespace this pid is running in Cache. You can also have more information for that component: last line in source code, last global reference, if there are any locks might give you a good clue what this component is doing.
If you are using ensemble, you can match the same pid to an ensemble job
Hi Yaron,
These are the two pieces and I need want both info with one try. I do have the O/S Cache PID and manually correlate them tothe management portal (through Processes), but can not get both in one place, so we can analyze the data. Which componenet is more resource consuming etc.
iris session [INSTANCE] -U %sys ALL^%SS would give you the PID,namespace, routine, CPU and globals.
I am using Ensamble, and through D ^%SS, getting most of the info but not the configName (component). My target is to get a dashboard out of the data as part of data analytics and future resource planning.
Hi Frank,
There is no "out of the box" tool that can give you ^%SS and ensemble componet dashboard to measure performance (GREFs, memory, CPU etc.)
Maybe worth to check if someone has already developed something similar in "open exchange"