· Jan 16

Command 'ObjectScript: Import and Compile Current File' resulted in an error


I am currently trying to edit server side code for TrakCare using Visual Studio Code with  intersystems-community.vscode-objectscript version 2.12.11-beta.1.

I can correctly check out the .mac file but when I try to either File > Save or use command 'ObjectScript: Import and Compile Current File' I get a very generic error .

I cannot find any details anywhere in the Output section.

I have reinstalled all extensions several times.

Any hints would be much appreciated.

Thanks! Daniele

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
Discussion (3)4
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Hi @Daniele Monti, if there's no error message in the ObjectScript Output channel then you will need to capture a network trace. This will capture all REST traffic between VS Code and IRIS, so we can see the whole response to that request. I suggest you use wireshark or the Web Gateway's HTTP Trace tool. With the tool enabled, reproduce your issue. The turn the tool off and find the request that corresponds to that action. It will be a PUT on a URL like /api/atelier/v6/doc/UITXXPIEPAAdm.mac. The find the corresponding response. It should be a 40X or 500 response. Copy the entire body and post it here (hiding any sensitive information). That should tell us what the issue is.